Confessions and Hairstyles

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"So where is she then?"

"None of your business. Get lost."

"Oh man, helping the betrayer out? Robin's gonna have to hear about this." I glare at him, and he returns the expression. We stay locked like that for a while, until he finally breaks away, muttering about how he needs to fix his car. "And I don't believe what you say about the lump. I bet you're hiding Raven in here or something, and you're bugging her." With that, he stalks off down the hall. I swallow the bile in my throat at what my best friend's turned into, then shift back into a cat and hop back up with Terra, after shoving aside the cloaks. Before I fall asleep, I share a glance with Raven and Starfire who just walked in, and see a mutual understanding between all of us not to mention this to Terra when she wakes up.


A soft purring alerts me to the presence of another creature near me. I slowly open my eyes to avoid disturbing it, and see an adorable little green kitty. Adorable+green+animal=Beast Boy. I give a small smile, then pull up my other hand, resting it on his neck. His little kitten mouth curves up the smallest bit as I run my hand over his back and scratch behind his ears. As I scratch all down his back and gently pull across his tail, Raven's door whooshes up from where it was lying broken on the ground. I glance up from looking at Beast Boy's little stripes, and see Raven levitating it back in place, and Starfire watching from the side to make sure it was even. Briefly, I wonder what happened, and whether Starfire told Raven she saw me, but then realize the latter is a stupid question. Of course she did.

"Hey," Raven says softly, walking over. "What'd you do with Beast Boy?" I lift up my hand and wiggle my fingers, now covered in green fur. Raven rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I told him to keep watch!"

"Oh friend Terra you have returned! It is most joyous to know I shall have another friend within the tower again! Friends Robin and Cyborg seem much less of friends when they are having one of the 'bad moods'. Now may we have the girl time? Raven promised one to me as we came here!" My brain barely has time to keep up with my ears and Starfire's voice, and I'm still processing it all while Starfire and Raven are talking. I give up on understanding (or trying to), and hop down to the floor, careful not to wake Beast Boy.

"Uhh, Star?" I ask, flabbergasted at what I hadn't noticed before. "What's with your hair?"

"Oh, you had not noticed upon entering? A minor Control Freak mishap," she responds. Raven dips her chin a little. I wonder how 'minor' the 'mishap' was.

"Hey Rae," I say, looking at Raven. She's not scowling at my use of her unofficial nickname. Weird. "How much you wanna bet I can fix Star's hair and make it awesome?" She grins readily, and Starfire floats higher in excitement. Raven pulls up some random hair tools from the window with her magic, and floats some over to me. We both look at Star with evil grins, and her eyes shatter (A/N in the show where the pupils explode then fall to the bottom of their eyes in a pile of scraps).

*****some hair tossing and snipping sounds later*****

"Sooo? What do we think?" I ask excitedly, swirling Starfire around in her chair to face herself in the mirror on Raven's wardrobe (not the one to her mind). Raven and I peer into it behind her, anxious to see Starfire's expression when she saw what her hair looked like now.

"Joy! It is most pleasing! On Tamaran, such an image would indicate a funeral. Tell me, who is requiring a funeral?" she responds. Raven and I stare at each other, mouths agape.

"No one, Starfire. It's just a hairstyle we accidentally invented," Raven soothes, squirting water on Starfire's hair to make it stay down.

"Oh. Then this 'hairdo' is very wondrous!" She exlaims, tugging on the little tendrils hanging down. We cropped it in front, then made it get progressively longer until we hit the top of her ear, where it was down just past her shoulder. From there, we shortened it again, until it was the same length in back as Raven's was in the same spot. Altogether, it looks like an upside-down tepee. "But what about you, friend Terra? Friend Raven's hair is too short to do much with, but yours is very much long enough to work on!" We both look at her with sad faces. "Not that your hairstyles are unpleasing! I just assumed it would have been more joyous to do a hair-styling session again!" she quickly covers.

A Teen Titan Again (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora