Baseball Bats and Hockey Sticks

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"Caitlin, you can't seriously be wanting to go through with this," Devon said as I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Devon, your father, who happens to be Death has my mother. He also happened to kill my best friend. Now I'm going to your house to beat him with either a baseball bat or a hockey stick, whichever I can find first. You can't stop me," I said, rummaging through my clothes until I found a tight-fitting black thermal shirt. 

For whatever reason, it didn't seem to matter that I was standing in front of Devon wearing my plain black bra. 

"Use the baseball bat. You'll be able to swing it better," he said after a moment. 

"You don't have to come, Dev. I totally understand," I told him, changing into the shirt and slipping my feet into my scuffed up brown boots. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, making sure that my hair wouldn't be a distraction.

While the guy was a psychopath and serial killer, it was still Devon's father and he may not like him, but they're family. 

"Nonsense. Besides, did I not tell you that I'm only half human? I'm stronger than any human being," he boasted.

"The Rock would totally kick your ass," I muttered, searching for the pepper spray that my mom had bought me for when I was working late and had to walk home.

"Sure he would. He's not exactly human," Devon said, standing up and grabbing the pepper spray off a shelf, handing it to me.

"Are you saying that Dwyane Johnson is part-angel?" I asked. 

"I didn't say that," he laughed as he towered over me.

"You wouldn't happen to have his number, would you? He would be a great person to bring to a fight," I said, making him laugh even harder.

"No, I've never met him," he replied. 

When his laughter died, a look of worry spread across his features. 

"Cait, you need to know that things will probably end badly, regardless of how optimistic you can be. I can't let you get hurt," he said, taking a step towards me.

"Devon, it's my mom. I'm not just going to sit around and let him kill her," I replied, taking his hand in mine and pulling him closer to me. 

"I don't know what I'd do if you were too," he cut himself off.

"I'll be okay, Devon. Didn't you know that I am invincible," I joked. 

Devon smiled for a split second before pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him tightly. 

I could tell that he was shaking and I was doing everything in my power not to break down and cry. 

"Let's go," I said softly. 


It had finally stopped raining by the time Devon pulled his car into his driveway. 

My leg had been shaking the entire drive over and I was constantly adjusting my grip on the baseball back I had taken from the basement. 

Despite all the tension I was feeling, I couldn't help but laugh when the radio began playing "Highway to Hell" loudly. 

I didn't say a word as Devon followed me down towards the woods, but I knew that there were millions of things that I wanted to say to him.

"Devon, if I don't make it out-" 

"Don't Cait. You'll be fine," Devon cut me off.

"Devon, I'm being serious. If I'm not as resilient as I think I am, tell my dad that I love him. My mom too," I said.

"Awe now isn't that touching. Devon, you really did pick the perfect girl," the voice of Death said from somewhere in the shadows.

"You're damn straight he does, Asshat. Where's my mom," I snapped. 

Death stepped out, holding my mom close to him. She had clearly be beaten, causing me to take a step forward, assuming a position that I hoped looked threatening. Her eyes were wide and she was visibly shaking. 

"Drop the bat and we can do this switch a hell of a lot easier," he said, nodding to my weapon of choice.

"Fine, but seeing as you hit my mother, I'm adding another condition to this bargain. Once you have me and my mom is safe, you're going to leave this town and this country," I said.

"You don't get to state the rules. I guess you really didn't want her unharmed," he laughed dryly, taking my mom's arm in his and snapping it with ease.

She let out a strangled cry and tried to pull away from him, but there was no use. 

"You monster," I said, dropping the bat and lunging at him, tackling him to the ground.

I tried everything to keep the upper hand, but I felt my leg break within thirty seconds. I managed to land a few blows before I felt someone tear me away from the fight. I didn't have to look to know that Devon was now the one throwing punches.

"How . . . dare you . . . lay a hand . . . on her," he grunted, throwing punch after punch. 

The fight was going in and out of focus and I knew it would be a matter of time before I would be unconscious. 

The last thing I remember was Devon being thrown against a tree and the sickening sound of something being snapped. 

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