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"I want to get my hair dyed and my ears pierced!" "What the fuck?"
"You heard me, now take me. Slave." Jimin demanded, grinning widely, making the demon chuckle lowly. "Yes, your highness." The two exited the large mansion belonging to Yoongi and made their way into a part of town Jimin had never seen before. They walked inside a salon and was greeted with the sight of many people gathered around with tattoos.

"Good evening, can I help you?" A girl that looked about Jimin's age said, her ears littered with piercings, four tattoos on her right arm and three on her left. She smiled at the two, waiting for a reply. "Yes, I'd like to get my hair dyed and my ears pierced, please." Jimin stated, looking around at the various pictures on the grey, brick walls.

"Alright, please follow me. Your stylist will be with you soon." The girl stated, Jimin following her and taking a seat in the chair. "You can sit next to him if you'd like." She said to the demon before walking away. Yoongi sat down in the chair on the right of Jimin and glanced over to see the boy couldn't keep still.

"Hi, my name's Chanyeol and I'm going dye your hair and pierce your ears today." A boy said, looking quite youthful with light brown hair and two earlobe piercings. "So what colour where you going to dye your hair?" He added pulling a tray next to him containing brushes, scissors and other various equipment. "I was thinking perhaps light blonde." Jimin replied, making eye contact with Chanyeol in the mirror.

"Good choice, I think that colour will suit you." Chanyeol said, walking the boy over to the sinks and gesturing him to sit. He leaned him back and rinsed his silvery locks with warm water, making the boy giggle as it tickled when it reached his ears. Chanyeol stopped the water and got a towel, wrapping around the boy's head and lightly patting the hair. Jimin let the towel fall around his shoulders as he followed the man back to the chair.

Chanyeol walked away to get the dye and Yoongi glanced at Jimin who was extremely excited. He came back and got some of the light coloured hair dye, brushing it onto Jimin's damp hair. He cringed at the feeling as it felt like someone was gluing his scalp but he dealt with it, knowing it's just part of the process. "Alright I'll be back in about twenty minutes to wash out the dye, just let it sit and don't touch your hair, Okay?" Chanyeol stated, walking behind a curtain into the back room.

"Excited to see your new hair?" Yoongi asked. "Yes! I can't wait to see what I'll look like with blonde hair!" The younger exclaimed, but then whining as his hair still felt sticky. Twenty minutes passed quick, the two talking about anything that pops into their minds at the moment. Chanyeol came back with a smile and gestured Jimin to follow him to the sinks.

He sat in one of the chairs again and tried to relax as he felt the water trickling down his face. "So, excited?" Chanyeol asked, ruffling the boy's hair as he washed it with a grin, pleased at the obvious results. "Yes very!" Jimin answered, trying his best to stay still. Soon the other turned around, got some shampoo on his hands and began massaging that into the boy's now dark blonde hair.

He turned the water on again, rinsing all the shampoo out before massaging some conditioner in. "Let that set for about five minutes alright?" He said before walking back over to the tray containing the equipment. Soon he came back after five minutes and rinsed the conditioner out. Chanyeol stood the boy and walked him back over to the chair next to Yoongi, watching his expression when he saw his hair now a damp, dark blonde.

Jimin suddenly tensed up as he saw a machine being brought over to pierce his ears. Yoongi noticed and squeezed his hand tightly, he knew how the feeling of nervousness felt when you got your ears pierced for the first time. Soon the machine was pressed to Jimin's earlobe and something was pierced through. The boy squeaked and squeezed his eyes shut, almost crushing Yoongi's hand.

Soon his right ear was finished, a black stud decorated his ear, then Chanyeol walked over and pierced the left, repeating the process and setting the machine on the tray. Jimin gasped as he glanced at himself in the mirror. He now had two black stud earrings on each of his earlobes and light blonde hair that was now silky and dry. 

He was beyond happy at what he saw, grinning widely at the two boys behind him. He stood, thanked Chanyeol and walked over to the reception desk.
Yoongi paid, making Jimin feel bad and they walked out of the salon.
Jimin felt like an entirely new person, and he loved it. "Happy?" Yoongi asked, squeezing his lover's hand as they walked. "Very." Jimin responded, making the raven haired demon smile.


"Taehyung-" Jungkook squeaked, gripping at the demons blonde hair who's face was currently in between his milky thighs. He kept eating the brunette out, hearing his high pitched, melodious moans that filled the room. It didn't take the younger long to orgasm, making the demon pull away and lick all the mess up. He leant in, kissing the boy's soft lips and smiling as Jungkook's face was flushed, his eyes tired, and lips slightly parted and swollen.

"You're so beautiful, my lord." Taehyung said with a smile. This made the earl's lips curve up into his signature bunny smile pulling Taehyung down for one more kiss before sitting himself up. "Dinner now?" The brunette asked, rubbing his eyes with his fist and yawning like a kitten. "Alright." Taehyung walked out, closing the door behind him and smiling to himself as he washed his face and hands before beginning to prep the food.
I told you, this book was going to get kinky.
Sorry for late update, my phone got taken off me for five days.
I know I said I was going to update so feel free to hate me!

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