Falling In Love at a Coffee Shop

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I sit beside the stranger

Trying to keep it from being awkward,

I smile slightly and look away

Peering at the clouds.

I can't help but watch

As her hand moves slowly,

Dragging it along her notebook

She writes.

Chapter One

My heart accelerates

While my breathing deepens,

I had met a writer

Like myself.

She looks up, frowning

And quickly shuts her notebook.

I turn away quickly,

Making my bangs a curtain.

There's no way I can speak to her,

She'll think I'm a freak.

The subway stops,

I quickly rush off.

I have a slight regret,

Thinking I'll never see her again.

I run to my favorite coffee shop

And order the usual.

I turn and smile,

Seeing Her.

I walk over slowly,

Then open my mouth.

"Have you ever heard of...


{Author's note} This is based partially upon a true experience... Nevertheless, tell ne what ya think? O.o

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