18| sugar cookies

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The dismissal bell rang shrill through halls and students leapt up joyously at its call, flipping off the stuttering, meek sub that had been desperately trying to tame them throughout the lesson, but ultimately failed as his students slapped his butt and waltzed out of the class, howling profanities and barking laughter and drowning his timid and obviously fake threats to report them to the headmaster; the headmaster wouldn't give a fuck about a few rowdy student.

Now if someone stabbed someone, that was something worth getting worked up about.

Ouran shrugged on his bag and walked briskly out the door, intent on finding Iggy and Kirsty before they left for their meet up; he could definitely count on Iggy to conveniently 'forget' that he was joining them and swoop Kirsty away before even texting him the details, he was just a rancid bitch sometimes.

Ouran walked out of the front entrance, his eyes trained on his beat up old school shoes, avoiding any unnecessary stares and greetings and fleeting curses.

The curses had recently interspersed among the usual positive clips directed at him ever since he decided to ignore every last one of those annoying bitches, and unsurprisingly enough, they didn't really effect him at all. Ouran could care less about some random kids he didn't even know the names of, being popular was not his problem.

Ouran trekked across the sunny lawn littered with groups of people either exchanging plans for the night or crowding around a fight between two tenth graders, even from a distance he could tell it was brutal.

Squinting the sunlight out off his eyes Ouran's gaze zeroed in on Kirsty and Iggy who were squatting under a tree out of the heat. They were waiting for him. He quickened his pace.

As he drew closer Iggy stopped scowling at the ground and snapped his head up, only to growl at Ouran instead.

"Fuck everyone breathing" he muttered darkly before tapping Kirsty on the shoulder to stop her from dozing off. "Kirst...Kirst...Kirsty he's here!"

Kirsty snorted and jolted awake, gawking at Iggy from a moment before slapping him away.

"What the hell mate? Don't yell in my ear!" She groused, rubbing sleep from her eyes and smudging her mascara.

Iggy scowled, "Well whatever, your eye-candy's here" he said sourly, jerking his thumb towards Ouran before shakily standing up, dusting grass blades off his butt and yanking Kirsty to her feet as well. Kirsty gaped disbelievingly at Ouran as Iggy dusted her off as well, fumbling with their bags and shoving hers in her arms.

"You came" she said, sounding oddly breathless, her gaze fixated on Ouran's face before drifting downwards.

Ouran raises an eyebrow. "Yeah...He said slowly, "you invited me, remember?"

A self-righteous, triumphant smirk broke at across Kirsty's face and Ouran could see Iggy fake barfing behind her.

"I did, didn't I?" She said happily before turning around and tugging Iggy upright from where he was regurgitating air onto the trunk of the tree.

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