New Job/ New Beginnings

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After school I went to my job to clean the offices upstairs and downstairs. I always wait until
night classes had begun before cleaning so I didn't have much lecturers in the offices, I took my things and rested them on one of the office desk taking my mop to wipe the floor about two hours later I was through and headed to the front door looking for the keys to my locker I was so busy not paying attention I bumped into something hard that startled me backwards.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you" I said not looking up and stepping around.

"That's ok Sapphire." I turned around to see who said my name and I was met with his deep blue eyes and intimidating look.

"Yeah ok" I said heading to walk away

"Are you, are you the janitor here?" He said standing over me.

"Yes, and personal space would be nice." I said stepping back, looking up in his eyes formed butterflies in my stomach but this is a married man and I needed to stop feeling this way whenever he looked at me.

"I'm sorry, you know Sapphire you don't need to have this defense up it shows that I intimidate you." He said

"Oh please a cat intimidates me more than you, have a good night Mr.Jackson." I said turning away not waiting for a reply.

I went to my dorm and landed on my bed as soon as I opened the door.


Next morning Violet came to my dorm, we were gonna chill today until later when we had class in the evening.

"Let's go to Starbucks girl I gotta hangover, I need some coffee to take this edge off." Violet said.

"Where'd you go last night to be having a hangover?" I said chuckling.

"Well after that professors' attention went to you, Logan and I went to the club and bumped and grind until we ended up bumping and grinding In my bed and madeee sweeeet lo-" I cut her off before she could finish and slide off the damn bed.

"Ok! Ok! Vi ok first of alllll that professor has the worst attitude and secondly I don't need to hear what u and your boyfriend did last night and thirdly you need some water with these two pills here then we go get coffee." I said

"C'mon Sapph even when u talk about him you blushing besides maybe he can maybe pop that cherry for ya even yo mama know cobwebs on that thang." she said.

"That man is married ion care what you got to say aint nobody popping no cherry roun here now lets go." I said walking out.

At Starbucks

We sat down with our coffees and chatted along with Violet's boyfriend Logan, he has a caramel complexion, small dark brown eyes, thick low black hair with strong jaw bones he was the type to look young no matter how old they get.

"Guys, i need a job" I sighed sitting back.

"Its funny you should say that because Logan said something last night about a job." Violet said.

"What do you mean its funny I should say that like I haven't said it all day yesterday." I said

"Girl I got a hangover, I don't remember shit, Logan tell her wassup"

"Well my moms been pesting me to do this live in work near the campus but it's to be some damn housekeeper maid shit." Logan said

"I'm willing just give me the details, wait does it pay well?" I asked.

"Its in the bougie ass suburb of course they pay well." He said

"Right, well let your mother know then let me know wassup."

After Class

"Ms.Sapphire, may I speak to you for a minute." Said Mr Jackson

"Fine." I said with no attitude this time

I gathered my things and said my goodbyes to Vi, I caught a deep breath before turning around walking up to him.

"Yes Mr.Jackson?" I said

"Your report is overdue and I don't tolerate someone with such a feisty attitude and being late on their paper." He came over me

"Oh my god Mr.Jackson I'm so sorry I been so busy looking for a job I forgot the paper is there any way I could make it up or still had it in?" I pleaded.

"You know once the due date has passed I don't accept it." He came closer

"Sir even though I'm begging I don't condone to you being in my per-" he cut me by kissing me so deeply.

"Mr.Jackson" i moaned against his lips feeling my face heat up but I knew it wouldn't show because of my dark complexion.

I pushed him off smack across the face "first of all you don't know me and you're married! If you know what's good for you stay the hell away from me." I said storming out.

Elijah POV

I watched her storm out but she had no idea what she did to me no matter how feisty she was I knew she was just putting up a defence in which I'm willing to break down because I love a challenge, she didn't give me the chance to let her know that I'm getting divorced, I have filed for a divorce for a year now but my wife or ex-wife refuses to sign the damn papers because she knows the assets that I hold. Sapphire was the complete opposite she was bold, independent, mysterious and beautiful she was a chocolate complexion with broad hips and a snatched waist, long thick black hair, dark brown eyes and the most beautiful smile, she was a pure melanin beauty which mesmerized me and drew me involuntarily to her. I know that I had to keep myself in check though especially at school that was really not professional of me just now and a little too fast. Eventually she'll see that she has something for me as much as I have a burning desire for a gemstone and she'll soon be my Sapphire.


Elijah is Mr.Jackson if some readers are confused.

Elijah is in the MM (multimedia/ top of the page)

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