Chapter 7

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"So you plan on hanging around school all day today?" Sam teases as I walk up the front steps.

I shrug. "Who knows. I live life in the moment, you know?"

"How'd the day go with Hope yesterday?" Sam asks as we head to our lockers.

"It was awesome," I say, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "She was so happy. It was amazing."

I pull my locker open, and a piece of paper flutters to the ground gracefully. I open it up and notice an intricate drawing of flowers, vines, butterflies and birds. The words 'If we could only have this life for one more day' and 'If we could only turn back time' are incorporated into the design of the border. In the middle, the words 'Thank You' are largest and underneath it reads -

'If given the chance to live this day over again,

I would have to decline for fear of its end.

For no greater ending I could wish for,

This life - no more pain, no more sorrow. No more.'

I knit my eyebrows together as I read it again.

"Who's it from?" Sam asks, nudging me and winking. "A lover?"

"Stay here," I instruct.

"Stay here?" Sam parrots. "Lex, we have class in less than a minute!" He calls after me.

But I'm already gone, making my way to where I know Hope will be - her locker. When I get there, I see the scene that I was expecting. No Hope. Just Ms Allan and Mr Matthews clearing out her belongings.

Ms Allan sees me. "Alexia," she calls, but I'm already running.

For the third day in a row, I run away from school, because of Hope. And for the third day in a row, it isn't my own house that I run to. He's in the backyard, kicking a soccer ball around by himself. He sees me a second before I collapse into him, tears now flowing freely from my eyes.

"Lexi," he says, holding me to him tightly. "What's wrong?" He easily picks me up and carries me over to the couch.

I sob, and just manage to get the word, "Hope," out before crying uncontrollably.

I feel the note, still in my hand, feeling as though it weighs a tonne. I bring my hand up and pass it to him. With one hand still holding me tightly to him, he reads it, and understands straight away.

"Lexi, I'm so sorry," he whispers, squeezing me tightly, pressing his lips lightly to my forehead.

He doesn't move, not for the next hour while I sit with him, crying myself dry. He just holds me, rubbing one hand up and down my arm to try and soothe me. When I stop crying, my whole body still trembles.

"I thought I could make her happy," I say suddenly, and Harry stays quiet as I say what I need to. "I thought yesterday would give her the strength to be strong.

"Her dad beat her and her mother. I don't know how long for. But I called the police, tried to stop it last year. It didn't make a difference. And then I did nothing, until two days ago, when I came here asking for a favour.

"I thought seeing you would make her so happy. Make everything better." I start to sob again.

"You did," Harry says, and when I shake my head he pulls my face up to look into his emerald green eyes. "You did make her happy. You saw it yourself, I saw it. I knew when I saw her that something had broken her in her life, but I know that she was the happiest she'd ever been yesterday."

"Then why did she do it?" I bawl. "Why did she kill herself?"

"Because she thought it could never get any better. Maybe she was wrong, maybe she was right. We'll never know. But I do think that maybe if you think about, she wanted to go happy now, than live miserably."

"There could have been other options," I wail, still unable to accept that this had to be the only choice for her.

"Maybe none that she could see," Harry says simply.

And I see his logic - dying happy, in your own way versus possibly dying at the hands of the most hated man in your life.

"But I- I did th-" I start.

"You made her happy," Harry concludes. "No one else could give her that. You gave her the strength she needed to break free."

"You made her happy," I mimic. Knowing that without Harry it wouldn't have been possible. "Thank you," I say, and given the circumstances it sounds so strange, but I know Hope would want to thank him too.

"Maybe you could-" I start, and then choke on my own sobs.

"I'll call the lads tonight," Harry says, understanding what I need.

I hear my house phone ringing, and I know it will be Ms Allan.

"Come on," Harry coaxes, walking me over to the fence and lifting me onto the other side. He hangs back, looking at the barrier between us.

"Come with me?" I ask weakly, knowing that I can't be alone right now.

Harry obliges and leaps over the fence gracefully, automatically holding me once he's over. I'm glad for it, as my legs don't feel strong enough to get me to my house. As I reach the back door I realise I've left my bag and therefore keys at school.

"I can't get in," I say dumbly, playing with the door handle. "My keys are at school."

"It's ok, I'll take you back to school to get your stuff," Harry says nicely, guiding me back down to the fence.

"No," I reply, shaking my head. The last thing I want in my current state is to turn up at school with Harry Styles. I hate myself for thinking that, as it's the most selfish thing I could think in a time like this. But I really don't want to face anyone at school anyway. "I just need to rest," I finally get out.

Harry lifts me over the fence again and leads me to his house. He pushes open a door and I can see it's a guest bedroom. "Have a rest," he instructs. "When your parents get home I'll go over and tell them where you are if you aren't awake."

I curl up in the middle of the bed, watching Harry hesitate in the doorway. "Thank you," is all I can think to say, but it's not enough. It's not nearly enough.


I cried writing this chapter. :-( And when that happens I know I can easily relate to characters and a believable storyline etc. So I hope everyone else is enjoying it too and that no one else blubbered like an idiot like me! haha. Please feel free to comment suggestions or anything. I'm happy to hear from people and know what you all think :-)

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