Losing The Battle

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My lips trembled at the laugh that came from Damien's mouth. I was terrified.

"Wha...wha....what are you d..doing her Damien? I asked stuttering. He had this evil grin. I could tell he was jacked out of his mind.

He grabbed me by the neck and threw me across the room where Dante was.

"Surprise your little goons hit the wrong man. It wasn't me it was my brother," he said.

A look of confusion covered my face as I looked over at Dante who was clearly scared.

"I had nothing to do with that. I didn't want you dead I just wanted to be away from you Damien. You're not well," I said quietly.

He came over to me and Dante and pulled out a gun. "Valorie you don't get to do this to people and just go on whoring with the next man", he shouted at me.

I backed up slowly with tears in my eyes. "Damien this wasn't supposed to happen. We were never supposed to be more than a fling. I didn't mean to hurt you, but you aren't innocent," I said.

He swung his gun hitting me in the head with it.

"Don't you fuckin touch her", Dante yelled out.
I grabbed me head feeling the blood drip. Before I could do anything else I felt another hit to my head, this time causing me to fall to the ground.

I dropped to Val's side. She was out of it but still with me. I leaned to her ear and whispered "I love you so much. I'm gonna distract him. You gtfo of here."

I got up and looked my dad square in the eye.

"Why are you doing this dad? You played a part in this too ya know. We were pawns in your crazy fucked up ass game," I said.

My father looked at me with the most angry, evil face.

"That bitch tried to have me killed. She came in between us. She fuckin caused Carla to divorce me. Fuck her!!!! And you...you ungrateful piece of shit," he said coming toward me and pulling me by my shirt.

I pushed him off. "You know what pop....fuck you", I said.

"Val didn't cause this shit YOU did. You beat and cheated on Carla for damn near the whole marriage. You found a broken woman and used her until there was nothing left," I said.

I pushed him again. "You came between us not her!!! You're my fuckin dad!! As soon as you knew YOU should have ended things!!! Sorry ass mf", I said punching him in the face.

"And she didn't set up the kill I did!!! I wanted you dead!! You're a fucked up person and you destroy any and everything you come across".

He looked at me with sadness. He looked hurt. He didn't say anything he just raised his gun. I looked from the corner of my eye and saw Val start to run. I saw tears run down his cheek as he pointed and shot one bullet into Val's stomach as she ran by. It didn't stop her though.

" Noooooo noooooo", I screamed running towards my dad. I heard 2 more shots fire and I knew then..... I lost the battle.

My dad grabbed both sides of his head. "Fuckkkkk Dante why did you make me do this? Fuckkkk," he screamed.

I fell to my knees blood pouring out of my mouth.

Out of nowhere the police busted in with Dino. I smiled to myself. Everything was gonna be alright


I ran as fast as I could to my dads office when I heard 2 gunshots. I froze in my tracks. I grabbed my stomach to try and stop the bleeding. I turned around and started walking towards the front of the house. I wasn't going to sit here and let Dante die. Especially when this was my fault.

I rushed back to see police everywhere. Damien was in handcuffs. I looked for Dante. He was being strapped to a stretcher. I ran to him. "Dante...please be okay. I'm so sorry," I said crying.

The Paramedics rushes him into the ambulance. I climbed into the back with him. I was shot too but I didn't care. The love of my life was about to die. I grabbed his hand. " I love you so much. Stay with me please."

He squeezed my hand. "My Val...I love you more than anything," he said before coughing up blood.

The paramedic screamed out "we're losing him" to the other paramedic. They started working hard as hell to keep him alive. I closed my eyes, held his hand and started to pray.

I ignored the talking of the paramedics and put it all in God's hands. I knew he would make it. He had to make it.

I felt the ambulance stop. I opened my eyes to see Dante's eyes closed.

The paramedic looked at me and said "I'm so sorry."

I looked at her in horror before screaming at the top of my lungs. "Noooooooooooooo!!!! Noooooo nooooo do something noooooooo!"

I don't know what hurt worse my gun shot wound or my heart. This had to be a horrible fucking dream.

~ The Next Morning
I sat in the hospital chair staring at Val. I cried all night praying she would be okay. When I got there she was damn near dead. She lost so much blood. The doctors said she passed out after Dante died.

This shit was so surreal. This is the crazy shit you see on tv. This ain't supposed to be happening in real life. My heart hurt for. I suddenly started feeling guilty as fuck for leaving her all of these years. I could have lost her for good yesterday.

I got up and walked over to her. I stroked the hair that was outside of her head bandage. I bent down to kiss her cheek. She squirmed a bit then rolled and opened her eyes.

"D...Dino?" She asked. I nodded yes. Her eyes started to water. She started crying so hard. I leaned down to hug her. I knew she was hurting and I had to do my best to hold her together.

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