I wanted to stop this, I wanted to tell him what an asshole he was being, that I had lost a friend to that place, but at the same time I wanted to see if she was strong enough. I found myself agreeing with Eric, she needed to be braver, but my mothers daughter was telling me to grab Christina and pull her to safety.

My eyes glanced at Tris and she was staring at me, she must have been hoping I was the nice one, she must have thought I was soft like Four. I turned my head slowly away from her and looked at Al "set your watch" I said, and he did.


"What is up with you? You've been steadily ignoring me all day, and then you hang that girl over the fucking Chasm!" I shout as I close Eric's front door, I had followed him home, but he hadn't spoken to me.

"You really can't figure it out?"

I shrugged and lifted my arms in the air, he was pissed at me for some reason, and he had punished that girl for it.

He scoffed and faced away from me, his hand running over his mouth before turning back to me "I'll make it easy for you" in that moment I saw the version of Eric who had overseen my training, he was smiling mirthlessly and yet his tone was quiet, calculating, I realised he was beyond pissed "there's something you're hiding from me"

He scoffed and faced away from me, his hand running over his mouth before turning back to me "I'll make it easy for you" in that moment I saw the version of Eric who had overseen my training, he was smiling mirthlessly and yet his tone was quiet, ...

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I knew. He didn't need to elaborate, I knew what he was referring to "who told you?" I whispered.

"So there's more than one option? I think the better fucking question is who else did you fucking tell before me?"


"When were you gonna tell me? When you're in fucking labour?!" Obviously whoever spilled the beans didn't know the test was negative when they told him, it wasn't Thackeray then, it must have been either Lee or Drake, but I already knew, everything fell into place. The way Leanne had been so nervous when I told her the test result, the guilty expression on her face, she had told him, she had betrayed me.

I shook my head quickly "no, no Eric you don't understand, the test was negative!"

"But you didn't tell me! You lied! You fucking lied to me!"

There was no reasoning with him, I put my hands out to touch him but he rejected me, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what words would make him understand "I was scared! I thought-"

"Who else did you tell?" He said calmly.

"What? Eric-"

"WHO ELSE DID YOU TELL?!" I choked back my tears and covered my mouth with my hands, he had been trying not to raise his voice, he crossed his arms and looked down at the floor, waiting for my answer.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now