🛡Chapter 3🗡

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Zelda's POV

Early in the morning, I received a news from my servant that made me feel positive. I even smiled after a long long time! I thanked her and dash in my room quickly grabbing any presentable clothes to wear and throwing them on my bed. I entered my bathroom and take a shower. Once I'm done, I dressed up myself as fast as I could. "I'm so excited to see him!" Man! I miss that boy! And now it's my chance to see him again!

My driver took me at the hospital as two temporary-bodyguards trailing behind me as I walk toward the entrance. While walking, I feel my heart beats rises every time I step my feet forward. Soon, I---no I mean we reached the elevator and pressed the floor's button where his room is located. Whitout even thinking that I might trip because once the elevator open, I ran toward his door while giggling but stopped when I was about to twist the doorknob. I........ Feels nervous now that made me think that something bad is about to happen but then I brushed it off and sigh. I smile and finally opening his door slowly. More excitement filled my eyes as I finally saw him sitting on his bed, looking at the window that is not so far on him. I cleared my throat and finally steped in and closed the door behind me. I saw him tear away his eyes on the window and look at me with a small-with-a-bit-confusion smile. Well, my TBG are outside coz they want to give some time alone to talk to him. Anyways, I finally spoke up with a smile "Finally! You're awake!" I said with a cheery voice. I walk closer to him while my hands are delicately folded in front of my stomach. He smiles and nods his head. He spokes up "I'm sorry to-" but I cut him off "Oh, Link! I can't take this in me anymore!" I ran through him and wrapped my arms around him while crying. "I miss you! I miss you! I miss you so much, Link!" I felt comforting hands wraps around me lighty.

Link's POV

Who is she? She's now crying over me? Why is that? Am I that too important for her? I mean, I'm not stating that it's a bad thing, I'm just....... Confused.... Like I was when I finally woke up...... "Ssssshhhh. Please don't cry, Miss" I said quietly. She lift up her face and faced me. I'm looking down to her. She then laughs a bit. "Link,  seriously? "Miss"? You know I'm not used to it!" Eh? She's not? Well, how could I know? I can't remember anything. Then she spoke up again "When you're finally out of this hospital, I'm gonna tell you everything what I've been doing while waiting for you to wake up!" "Uh........... I'm sorry to uh....... I'm sorry to ask you this but.......................


Who are you?"

Zelda's POV

I felt my heart shattered into million pieces as his words' ringing repeatedly in my head "Who are you?"


Me: ...
Zelda: What a cliffhanger you are!
Link: I felt so bad.... Sorry Zel.

"Do You Really Remember Me?" ZeLink Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now