🛡Chapter 1🗡

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Link's POV

The time I open my eyes, I saw nothing but only white ceiling and a light attached in it. I tour my eyes around and noticed that I'm lying on a bed with wires attached on me. Why am i here? Why am I at the hospital? I tried to recall what the last thing happened to me before I got here but........ Nothing....... Nothing untill I noticed that I also forgot everything about me, even my name. I keep on thinking but it only gives me headache so I stopped and calm myself.

After a minute or two, a nurse entered the room and look at me. She gasped and run outside. The next thing I knew is she's back with doctors as they approaches me. "You're awake!" the first doctor said cheerfully. "I'm glad he finally wake up!"

After checking up on me,  it's now my turn to ask questions. "W-who am I?" The doctors seems to understand what is going on to me so "I see you lost your memories. It's because of the strong impact you got on your accident" "A-accident?" "Yes, in fact you've been comatose for........ 10 months....." I can't say anything after i heard that. It's shocking! Who wouldn't be? Ten months of just lying on a bed? Wow! And then the doctor continues. "We twice suggested to the Mayor to unplug you because we thought you won't survive, but his daughter keep on protesting not to." And so... I have nothing to say about it....
I wonder who she is.........


Me: Short chappie, i know.... Sorry.....
Link: Seriously? Why do i have amnesia thing here?
Zelda: *facepalm*

"Do You Really Remember Me?" ZeLink Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now