Under My Tree (working title)

Start from the beginning

As much as I love painting I didn't feel like doing anything so I turned my radio on any flopped on my bed. I zoned out while listening to music and soon it was eight thirty. My mom knocked on my door and opened it slightly, "I'm going to the kitchen, don't stay up too late. We are going somewhere tomorrow."

"Where?" I was surprised.

"Out" she replied.

I sighed and she left.


June was coming to an end and I have yet to find a job. My grandmother keeps telling me I need to get one so I have money to get into college. Like I even want to go to college. My dream is to become a famous pianist. Not a classical pianist, something cooler like, a keyboard player for a great rock band. I don't need to go to college for that.

I was lying on my bed listening to Journey and looking through the wanted ads for a good job. Every single job was downtown, which I have no way of getting there. I crumpled up the newspaper and threw it across the room. I turned over onto my stomach and let out a huge sigh. I had no idea how I was going to get a job at this rate. I looked at the clock and it said eight thirty eight. I looked out my window and there was only a thin line of light over the horizon. I jumped up off my bed. I ran out of my room and downstairs.

"I'm going for a walk Gran. I'll be back soon." I yelled to my


"Okay Trevor, don't forget to wear your coat." I heard Gran's unsteady voice call from the living room.

I imagined her in her little night gown in her favorite chair watching the shopping channel until her favorite show, America's Got Talent came on. As I walked outside a gust of hot air blew into my face. I wondered why she told me to wear a coat when it was so hot outside. I looked around and the sun was steadily going down. The traffic was slowing down some so I decided to cross the street. I wasn't going anywhere particular; I just needed to get out of the house because I was so bored.

There were a lot of people out walking because it was nice out. I noticed back across the street was an old man with a puppy. It was a yellow lab that seemed a little rambunctious. The pup was trying to run ahead but the man couldn't keep up with him. The man started to grab his chest and heave deeply. I looked to see if any cars were coming and ran back across the street and to the old man. I grabbed the dog's leash and the man's hand at the same time and helped him sit down.

"Are you all right, sir?" I asked him as he reached his hand in his pocket.

He took out an inhaler and put it up to his mouth. He took a puff and held still for a minute. He put it back into his pocket and looked up at me.

" Yes, I'm quite all right thank you." He assured me.

"It just keeps getting harder and harder to walk Larry, he always wants to run and play but I just can't keep up." He stood up hastily and patted Larry on the head.

He took back Larry's leash, "What's your name young man?"

"My name is Trevor, I'm seventeen.." I informed him.

"Well Trevor, thank you for your concern. We don't get enough of consideration these days. Kids only care for their technology now. My name is Jerry Philips. Call me Jerry." He thanked me as he shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you Jerry." I smiled.

" Well I better be getting home, I'm expecting a call from my granddaughter. Really, thank you." He scooted Larry and turned to walk the opposite way.

As he started to walk away I got an idea.

"Excuse me! Jerry!" I yelled to him.

He turned around and looked at me, "Yes?"

" I was wondering if you needed a dog walker? I could walk Larry for you each day. I live right here, you could call me anytime he needs to go to the bathroom. I could bring him to the park too to play with him and waste some of his energy." I offered hopeful.

He stood there for a second contemplating; he looked down at Larry who was almost jumping up and down.

"You know, that's a great idea. I live right down the street at 342. Stop by tomorrow morning at ten and you can bring for a trial walk. We can talk about how much I will give you then." He smiled and turned back around and set off for home.

The sun was completely gone now. I turned around and walked back home, excited for the new job and something to do this summer. It was really lucky for me to have decided to go for a walk tonight. I thought back to how unlucky my life has been. When I was seven both my parents were in a car accident. My dad had been driving. A big delivery truck smashed head on into their car. My dad died instantly, the crash had scared my mom into a heart attack and she later died in the hospital. I was sent to live with my grandparents in New York. My grandpa and I were really close. He would bring me fishing every weekend and taught me how to fix things around the house. One day when I was thirteen I came home from school and found him on the kitchen floor with a broken light bulb near his head. He got electrocuted. Gran was never the same after he died.

I reached the door and went in. I was excited to tell Gran about my new job. I walked into the living room. I was about to tell her when I saw that her eyes were shut. He mouth was slightly open. I looked at the TV which was still on. She was wearing her light pink bathrobe and had on her memory foam slippers. I was scared that she might not be breathing. I reached over to her lap where the remote was and turned the TV off. I heard her slight, quiet breathing. I relaxed my shoulders and exhaled. I swept her thin, white hair from her forehead and kissed her head. She is so small I picked her up and carried her up to her room. I laid her on her bed and put on her thin sheet. I looked at her small wrinkled face and felt grateful towards her, taking care of me after her daughter and husband died. I sighed and went to my room.

Under My Tree (on hold indefinitely)Where stories live. Discover now