initiation part 4

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I was waiting all the cliffs for professor Opzin and professor goodwhitch
Opzin: I see tour here early Leon
Leon:yep I'm all ready to go where's ms goodwhitch?
Opzin:she stayed at beacon to make sure nothing happens if were both away.
Opzin: you will head in the forest and find ruins of a a building their you will find you relic
Leon:anything else?
Opzin that is all are you ready?
Leon:born ready
He is then launch through the air

POV change ruby
We see Leon get launch I into the air as he falls he does something new we haven't seen him do yet

I know he has these cool ability's but that was so cool what
Yang:so that one of his abilitys?
Ruby:I guess so.... That a lot of Grimm!
We then see Leon surrounded by grim
POV change Leon
I was walking to the ruins as I was this Grimm hord came out of no where so I pulled out my light weight machine gun("saw" until I come up with a name for it) and let it cut them down like the moment I ran out of ammo a Ursa charge at me and its end was something seen in ethier movies or video games as a blade launch from my hand and into the usra skull what I didn't realize it was an Ursa major and I just took it down with one shot o didn't realize that the remaining Grimm had all ran away from me in fear
Leon: I didn't know I could scare Grimm
As I was walking I felt a tug at my leg and saw what look like a Beowulf cub but the markings on it were different instead of red they were blue! I carefully and slowly pick it up. I didn't know what to do I knew it was a Grimm but it was a cub completely harmless but she. It get bigger its dangers but it was so small,young, helpless........ I dont have the heart to do this.
Leon:ok you are coming back with
The moment I said that it was wagging it's tail like crazy
Leon: your happy you need a name your Grimm feed off of bad emotions and your also a wolf like creature so I will name you dark fang.
It then got even happier I then carried it to the temple with no remaining Grimm once I got their I saw a single chess piece sitting their I pick it up and walk back once I reach the cliffs again I hand my piece to Opzin
Opzin: great work young man but why so you have Grimm with you?
Leon:well I didn't have the heart to kill this one but it's difficult from the rest it has blue markings instead of red
Opzin: I see if you are to keep it. Its your responsiblabilty to make sure it doesn't hurt any students here understood?
Leon:yes sir
Opzin: one last thing welcome to beacon Leon.
I smiled that I just got into beacon at such a young age. once I reach the auditorium I instantly get tackled into a hug by three blurs I then see it be ruby, yang,and Zoe
Zoe:you had me worried when you ran out of ammo
Yang:oh I'm soo happy for you
Leon: well I did say I got almost all my ability's down.
They then see dark fang and react by pulling out their weapons
Yang:Leon why do you have a Grimm?
Leon: I didn't have the heart to kill it...
Zoe:that an excuse what is the real reason
Leon:it was small,young,helpless, weak and alone.
They then see him somewhere tear up
Zoe:its ok I'm sorry I know they all comfort him as he somewhat crys
They then walk back to their dorm were Leon is staying the night he the. Goes to his spot on the ground and lays down holding dark fang close with Winterfang and fire fang laying with him
POV change yang
Poor Leon he must of had a bad memory come back
I then see him laying on the ground again I pick him up and put him in my bed no one besides me is up so I then lay down and hold him close.
Timeskip next morning I wake up with Leon in my arms still I notice his wolf ears are flat which is ethier he mad or upset I then Slowly start to rub his head he flinches at first but he relaxes into it he must of been having a bad dream I dont blame him if something like that were to happened to me I feel scared but hey what are big sisters for its fun to hang around with your family including your little brothers and sisters well I should say yang around.
Yang:morning Leon
Leon:oh morning yang
Yang:how did you sleep?
Leon:I slept great thanks for asking
Yang:Leon their something your not telling me is their?
Yang:leon you know you can tell right.
Leon:I had that dream again
Yang: was HE their?
I pulled him into a hug the first year he was with us he had this dream
Flashback yang 11 years old POV still
I hear whimpering coming from my little brothers room I go to his room and see him curled up in a ball in the corner it was raining hard and their was a few strikes of thunder and lightning he had his head bared in his knees I also hear him crying I don't know why he is?
Yang:leon what's wrong?
Leon:I had a bad dream
Yang:what kind of bad dream?
Leon:it was a night terror
Yang:oh maybe if you tell me you will feel better?
Leon:ok I starts with me being ties down and it just get worst I see my birth family and the one who care about me getting hurt by JAMES and theirs nothing I can do about it!
Yang:dont think that
Yang: of course their always something you can do he can't hurt you or anyone and if anyone were to try to hurt my little brother they will know the new meaning of pain!
Leon:ok... Um yang?
Leon:can you stay with me tonight?
Yang:of course
Leon get back in bed and holds one of his stuff animals it being a wolf one I the held him
End of flash back
Yang: remember what i said?
Yang:ok what is it?
Leon: he can't hurt me or anyone.
Yang and?
Leon:if he does you will teach him the new meaning of pain.
Leon: thank you
Yang:no problem Leon
Leon then falls back to sleep
Blake:so it was that bad for Leon?
Yang whisper yell: I thought you were a sleep and yes
Blake: I was a sleep but I heard you talking
Weiss: we all heard you talking
They then see Leon sleeping still
Weiss: it would be an under statment if I didn't say he look cute while sleeping
R,b,y:agree,yep, yes
(By the way r mean ruby, y means yang,b mean Blake, w means Weiss
Blake: did we all just say that out loud?
ruby: yes we did
Weiss: so if we all have a crush on him what about you and ruby?
Yang:well he is adopted so their shouldn't be a problem
Ruby:what about zoe? We have seen how protective she if of him
Yang:thats very tired
They then see Leon's move
Blake: how long do we have till class starts?
Ruby:it's 8:55........
Everyone except Leon's but they yell: WERE GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!
as they yell they wake Leon's who then holds his wolf ears.
Leon:do you all to yell?
Everyone except Leon's: sorry
Leon: what were you you yelling about?
Ruby: were about to be late for class
Leon's eyes widen they then see him grab his uniform then run into the bathroom and run out the door heading to class
Zoe then walks by
Zoe:was that Leon's?
Ruby:yep were running late for class hey why aren't you in class?
Zoe:its Saturday no school
Everyone except zoe:oh
Ruby:should we tell him?
Zoe:ethier way your all going to get prank hard when he finds out
Weiss: what do you mean?
Zoe:anyone who does something like that even an accident he get back at them
Weiss:oh how do you know this
Zoe: I prank him and so did yang.
Weiss:what was your and Yang's prank?
Zoe:I place a small little thing in his wolf ear that would do a small ringing sound when I press a button I did it all day to him
Yang:I duck tape him to the wall
Weiss: that doesn't seem to bad
Yang:out side summer found him and she immediately got him down
weiss:oh what did he do?
Zoe:he got everyone a megaphone and a a pare of ear plugs they all yelled good morning into them I couldn't hear for a week he felt bad though but it was a good come back
Weiss:what did he do to you yang?
Yang: I woke up one morning went to the mirror and saw someone mess with my hair
Weiss: what did it look like?
Yang:rainbow hair that was cut short thats not even the best part it was a wig he didn't mess with my real hair he knew how I get and he didn't tell me till a week later. He is the last person to get prank by.
Weiss:and we just told their was school on the weekend and that we were running late....
R,w,b,y:oh no
Zoe: I'm going to enjoy the prank he pulls on you.
Yang: Zoe we have a problem.
Zoe:I'm not helping you get out of his prank.
Yang:its not that we all sort have a crush on (whisper) Leon
Zoe face bright red: I heard who you said you have a crush on
They were all blushing now
Zoe: so how are you going to tell him?
Zoe: how are you going to help him?
Blake: we dont know
Zoe: you should tell him after he pranks you so he doesn't feel bad about it.
They then see Leon walk back in and face plant on to a random bed
Zoe: looks like he really took off when you told him that
Yang: and he face planted onto my bed.
leon muffled: I'm getting back at you four. And your going to help Zoe.

---------------------------------------------------------- that is for this chapter everyone I didn't know who to pick out of the four so I just went with all four. And by the wat disclaimer I dont own rwby at all the characters below to their right full owner's

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