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Once again. I feel like I've made a stupid chapter that doesnt make sense but im not changing it. Enjoy!

I asked Honey and Haruhi if they would help and they agreed. We agreed to meet up at my house to think of a plan since we can't do it in the club room. Tamaki and the others would bother us.

Soon Honey and Haruhi arrived at my house and we sat down in my room.

"Okay guys, how are we going to get them back together because obviously they don't want to just approach the other and ask them out again." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Wait I have a question. Where is Akuma anyways? Doesn't she live with you?" Haruhi asked.

"Yeah but she's out shopping. She's gonna take a while." I chucked as I remembered the time we took almost 4 hours at the mall looking for the perfect things to buy for birthdays, ourselves, and what to eat. It was my favorite day to spend with Akuma.

"So, does anyone have any ideas? I wouldn't even care if it's something cliche. If it works, it's good." I said, looking at the both of them. My eyes lingered on Honey's face as he was thinking. Haruhi spoke up and shared her idea.

"Okay this is a very cliche idea but it could work. How about Luna writes a letter saying they should meet up because its urgent and then we will all go to the spot we picked to see how things will play out." she explained. Honey and I looked at each other and smiled. We turned towards Haruhi and nodded with big smiles on our faces. Then we began planning.

The next day
I walked into Akuma's room and placed the note next to her bed on her nightstand and left the house. I then walked into my math class and planted the other note on Hikaru's desk. All we have to do is wait.

Haruhi, Honey and I didn't go to the host club because we had to go and get disguises so they wouldn't recognize us when they get here. The place was at a simple coffee shop. We put the  disguises on and sat down in a booth near the back. Soon we heard the door open and turned our heads to see Hikaru and Akuma at the front door looking around for me. We turned our heads back around before they saw us.

"Oh hey, are you waiting for someone?" I heard Akuma say.

"Yeah. Luna wrote me a note telling me to meet her here. I was going to ask her in class today but she ignored me." Hikaru said.
"Well since we're both waiting for her why don't we sit at this table and wait together?" Akuma suggested while shyly looking at a table next to our booth. He nodded and sat down across from her.
I looked over at Haruhi and Honey with excitement in my eyes. Haruhi sat across from me while looking over slightly to check how they're doing. Honey decided to sit next to me which Im fine with.

"How is it going?" I asked Haruhi. She looked over to see.

Akuma's pov
"So, um, how do like being back? Are you glad you stayed?" Hikaru asked me.

"Well it's nice. Im starting to understand what Luna means when she says that I do have lots of friends. Im happy that I met you guys. Especially you." I muttered the last part thinking Hikaru wouldn't hear. Except he did.

"Im glad I met you too Akuma." he said with a kind smile. I blushed and looked down at the table. I smiled back at him when I raised my head to look at him. I noticed that his cheeks were dusted with light pink.
We talked about random things for a while, completely forgetting about the meeting with Luna.

"So, Akuma, I was wondering....since you're back, um," Hikaru started. I looked at him with curiosity and excitement of what he would say next. I nodded showing that he can continue.

"Would you like to get back together with me?" he said while looking at me shyly. He had rosy cheeks and a hoping smile. I smiled wide and nodded my head.

"I was hoping this would happen. I promise that I will act better this time." I said. He smiled too and hugged me.

Luna's pov
Haruhi smiled at us as I was basically jumping in my seat in excitement. I started hugging Honey and felt him hug me back. He chuckled in my ear. 

"Luna? Honey? Haruhi? What are you doing here?" I pulled away from Honey when I heard Akuma's voice. I looked at Hikaru and Akuma with panic in my eyes.

"Oh, um, hi. How did you know it was us? I mean I think our disguises are pretty great." I said and crossed my arms while pouting. I heard Honey laugh slightly beside me because of my pout.

"Because it's so obvious its you guys. Your disguises aren't that great at hiding yourself. I noticed as Hikaru and I finished talking. So anyways, what are you guys doing here, in disguises?"

"Uh, um, I just wanted to hang out with Honey and Haruhi, while wearing a disguise, just to be, um, goofy." I said. They smiled at us and I got confused.

"Why are you guys smiling?" I asked.

"Because I know this was your plan Luna. You did say you were going to help us get together. So thanks." Akuma said as she hugged me. I sighed in relief as I hugged her back.

"Also because now its time for you and Honey to get together." she whispered in my ear. I pulled away and looked at her then at Honey. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and felt my face heat up. I turned back around to give Akuma a little push in her shoulder.

"Oh come on! Can you stop for now? Let's all hang out while we're here together." I pulled them into our booth and we began to talk and laugh for a long time.

After a while we had to leave. We stood outside the cafe and hugged each other goodbye. When I got to Honey he gave me a big, tight hug. He pulled away and kissed my cheek before saying goodbye and walking away. I stood there shocked with my hand on the place he kissed me and started blushing. I smiled and felt my arm being pulled. I looked over to see Akuma smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"See. You guys need to get back together. I need you two adorable people to get back together." she said, well more like whined.

"Adorable? Who? I only know Honey is adorable." I said puzzled. She rolled her eyes.

"Please. You guys are so cute together. Even when you aren't dating you're still freaking adorable. Just start dating again! I'll even help you." she said. I smiled and nodded. I did want to be with Honey again. That would make me really happy.

Im stupid. I did not like this chapter at all so its okay if you dont like it either bc i hate it. But this is what i wanted to write so i did and it turned out bad but idc right now. Im just very tired.
Have a strawberry good day/night!

So Glad~ honey x ocWhere stories live. Discover now