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These past couple of weeks have been hard for me. I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately and when I do sleep, I end up crying myself to sleep almost every night. I go to school with bags under my eyes which makes Adam worry about me. I didn't tell him about the breakup yet. Its just all too hard to deal with. Today I decided to stay home again. I don't wanna run into Honey at school.

Honey's pov
Why did I do that? Sure I was mad because my girlfriend kissed another guy but maybe I was too harsh on her. I sat in my class, letting my thoughts distract me from learning. I couldn't hear any voices around me, I couldn't see anyone's face. In my mind all I saw was Luna. I saw the pain evident in her eyes, there were tears brimming her eyes getting ready to fall. She was hurt. Heartbroken. All because of me. I sighed and lied my head on my desk.

I walked into the cafeteria and sat down at the table ad I stared at the door. I wanted to apologize to Luna. I didn't actually want to break up with her, I was just really mad at the moment and said something that broke her heart. I saw the guy she always hung out with and walked up to him.

"Hey you're the kid who hangs out with Luna right?" I asked. He nods.

"Do you know if she's here today?" I asked, hoping she was here. He shook his head. I sighed and walked away to the table. They stared at me with a worried expression.

"Honey-senpai, what's wrong? You look really upset about something." Haru-chan asked me. I stayed quiet. I knew they wouldn't quit until they figure out what's wrong with me. I told them everything that happened. When I was finished I felt something run down my cheeks. I touches my face and felt tears. My face was covered in them. I ran out of the cafeteria to see if I could call Luna. I dialed her number and waited.

Luna's pov
I heard my phone ring so I answered it without looking at who called me.

Phone call
Hey Luna, are you okay?
-im fine Honey. Why are you calling me? I thought you were mad at me.
Not anymore. I wanted to see if you were okay since you weren't at school today.
-Honey can you ever forgive me? For what I did?
Of course I can Luna. But I'm still a little mad about the situation.
-Can I....see you after school?
Of course you can. I wanna see you too. I'll come by your house after school.
-See you then!

I sighed and smiled. Honey is gonna forgive me. I lied back on my bed and soon fell asleep.

After school
I woke up to hear my doorbell ring. I smiled and ran downstairs to open it and hug Honey tightly. When I opened the door I was about to give him a hug but I stopped. The person wasn't Honey. It was Adam. His smile faded when he saw me hesitate.

"What's wrong? Not happy to see me?" he asked sadly and brought his arms back to his side. I sighed and gave him a quick hug.

"I am glad to see you but I was kinda expecting Honey to be here. But wait, you didn't tell me you were visiting me today!" I yelled and slapped his arm. He chuckled while rubbing the spot I hit.

"Soo I can't come in?" he asked. I sighed and let him in. Who knows, maybe it'll be easier to explain the situation​ to Honey better. He sat on the couch while I sat beside him and there was a lot a awkward silence. I turned to look at him to see that he was already looking at me.

"What? Is there something on my face? Maybe drool. I drool when I sleep." I said wiping my drool from my face. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No. You know that I still love you right? I know I know,  you're still dating and I shouldn't say that thinking that you'll say it back. I just can't stop thinking about you Luna. But I promise not to get in the way of your relationship. I will still be a great friend to you." he said. I smiled slightly but then I thought about how he was kind of the reason for my breakup and my heart sunk. He noticed and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him with sad eyes.

"Luna what's wrong?" he asked. I was about to answer but the doorbell rang. I looked at the door and I froze. I shakily stood up and opened the door and sighed. It was Honey this time. I hugged him tight and brought him inside. He looked at Adam with a questioning look. He looked at me for answers. I told him why he was here and he nodded like it was okay. For me it was awkward because Honey was really mad about me kissing another guy but he doesn't know who it was and Adam still thinks I'm dating someone, that someone being Honey. I sat in between them and I could feel the tension. Honey grabbed my hand before leaning in to whisper something in my ear.

"Can we go to your room to talk privately? Please?" he asked with a whiny tone. I blushed and nodded. I haven't been this close to Honey in so long that I feel just like how I felt before I confessed to Honey. I told Adam that we were gonna be right back but he said he needed to go and that he'll see us tomorrow. I nodded and brought Honey to my room. When we got into our room Honey hugged me. I hugged back but I heard sniffles.

"Honey? A-Are you crying?" I asked. He nodded and buried his face in my shoulder. I sat on the bed, still hugging Honey and I rubbed his back.

"Luna, Im very sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean any of those things. I was just mad. I felt so bad in class today as I thought about the pained expression on your face. I wanted to apologize to you. Luna Im so sorry!" he sobbed out. I rubbed his back and slightly pushed his cheek so he could look at me. His eyes were clouded with tears and his nose and cheeks were red. I smiled sadly and wiped his tears. I felt tears building up in my eyes as well but I tried to stop them from falling. I stared into his eyes as he stared back.

"Luna?" he said quietly.

"Yes?" I said not breaking the eye contact.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend again?" he asked.

Why do i feel like this chap doesn't make sense. Idk. Who cares. I think it still follows the story line and im happy about that. Anyways i have nothing else to say about this chap sooo
Have a strawberry good day/night!

So Glad~ honey x ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang