36; narration

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"we'll start in fifteen minutes, jungwoo. make sure everything's already settled, hm? we can do this!" doyoung informed jungwoo who's sipping on his carton of strawberry flavored milk. the younger smiled and nodded, then doyoung drifted off to somewhere.

jungwoo checked sseushi's notebook once more before keeping it in his bag. oh boy he's getting nervous for the confrontation—

it's already the competition day, the most awaited day of the different clubs to show their performances. there will be groups who will dance, sing, declaim, act, and many more. the dance club and the theatre club decided to perform altogether, while the other clubs like the glee club, has many different performances; individually or by group, according to the members of the said club.

everyone is so busy. some are doing last minute practices, others are getting their costumes and make ups ready, some are just loitering around for the students also have their own club to cheer on. big, colorful banners can be seen everywhere. the cafeteria is also full of students who are obviously hungry already. the school's student dj, johnny, is also playing music that's blasting through the big speakers; in short, the school sure is a loud mess. but nontheless, everyone's enjoying the atmosphere.

jungwoo is scanning through his script once again when someone suddenly poked him in his cheeks, making him turn to his right,

"hey there, beautiful."

jungwoo took how many seconds staring at lucas. he just look so... ethereal, so unreal. is he even a human? jungwoo thought, still not taking his eyes off the younger. lucas is wearing black sleeves, black ripped jeans; with chains, belts, and pins embodied on his upper clothing. he's also wearing some accesories and a chocker to complete his attire. his hair is styled, exposing his forehead; plus, his make up is on point. his eyeliner, eyebrows.. , everything.

"h-hey there, lucas. you look amazing." jungwoo finally greeted him back. lucas smiled and sat beside jungwoo, bumping their shoulers in the process. jungwoo chuckled,

"are you nervous?" lucas asked jungwoo, holding his hand and intertwining it with his own making the older blush a little. lucas smiled, he likes the way he can make jungwoo fluster just by these small gestures. he's just too cute and pure!

"hm, a little. i hope i can deliver my words clearly without anyone thinking i speak alien." jungwoo said, chuckling right after.

"i'm sure you'll do great." lucas said

"your hands are cold, are you nervous too?" jungwoo asked the younger, bringing his other free hand on the younger's hand to keep him warm.

"yeah... but you know what, my lips are also cold. mind heating it up a little?" lucas said in a playful manner, earning a glare from jungwoo.

lucas laughed. jungwoo is glaring but he can see that his cheeks are tinted red. but to be honest, he's more nervous for his plan than their actual performance. what if jungwoo rejects him infront of the whole student body? what if his voice crack while singing? his negative thoughts were abrupted when he heard jungwoo speak—

"but really, even though you skipped a lot of group practices, i know you'll do amazing on the stage!" jungwoo cheered up the younger, then smiled right after.

"yes of course, i have my inspiration right here beside me... fIGHTINGHAEYA DWAE!" lucas suddenly shouted, making jungwoo flinch a little but he just laughed it off.

lucas smiled as he look at jungwoo who is still laughing. you know the feeling when you're walking on the stairs and there's an extra space you didn't notice and you stumbled a bit, like your heart suddenly dropped? that's what lucas is feeling when he hears jungwoo's laugh, and he just can't get enough.

"jungwoo, let's go. we will gather up the students now for the competition is in five minutes." doyoung suddenly came out of nowhere. jungwoo looked at lucas and smiled, sliding his hands off the younger's big ones before standing up.

lucas stood up too, and gestured the 'fighting!' sign then smiled. jungwoo nodded at him before following doyoung.

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