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Emily's POV

"EMILY LEE JOSEPH!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "GET READY FOR SCHOOL NOW!" Sometimes I really wish I could just slap her until she couldn't yell anymore. I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I really don't get how I'm popular at school!!! My hair is always a mess and my face looks terrible even when I have makeup on, but I might as well try right? I quickly brush my teeth with my watermelon flavored tooth paste. Then I sit down in my stool and apply a light labor of foundation with my sparkly blue eyeshadow. I put some concealer on my noticeable zits and blemishes. Then I apply a quick layer of light pink lipgloss. Hopefully my mom doesn't notice I'm wearing it. You see, my parents are really religious and they don't let me do anything fun. I can't wear makeup, I can't go out with friends late at night, and they don't even let me hang out with anyone from my school. The only two people they allow are my little sister Lexie and my boyfriend Elliot(he's Christian). I walk down the stairs to see my little sister eating breakfast at the table. "Hey sis!" I go up and ruffle her hair. "Noooooooo!!!" She runs into the bathroom screaming. "Girls calm down you're acting like immature children!" He said. "Maybe that's because we are children"  I mutter. "Emily, you need to drive your sister to school today because me and your mother need to go to the church in 5 minutes." My dad says. "Ok father." I quickly gulp down a glass of milk. I kiss my dad on the cheek "bye father" I do the same with my mom. "Bye mother" as I leave the house I hear them say "bye darling." Me and Lexi get in my car and smile at each other. We wait till we are around the block and blast the radio as loud as we can. "Mom wouldn't approve of this." I heard Lexie say in a joking manner. "She wouldn't approve of you calling her mom either but you do that anyway." We both laugh at how messed up our mom is." We pull into the parking lot of the school and I stop the car. Lexie gets out and goes over to her friends. I see Elliot waiting by his car so I walk over to him. "Hey" I say. "Hi" he says back. He's never really been one to talk a lot which is both a good and bad thing. "Do you wanna go to class?" I asked him. "Sure" he puts his arm over my shoulder and we walk into the front of the school with style. We always like to act cool when were here because... You only go to high school once right? Wow.. If my mom or dad knew I tried to 'act cool' everyday they would probably literally kill me. Me and Elliot are walking when I get hungry. "Hey babe I'm going to go get some food from the café." I tell him. "Ok, I'll tell Julianna and Megan to save you a seat." I give him a thumbs up and start walking towards the café, when suddenly I fall to the ground with a thud. "OMG I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!!" I look up and see the most beautiful pair of blue eyes looking back at me. "Ummm it's no problem really..." I helped her pick up her books and walked away without another word. Wow she was the most gorgeous girl I could ever meet but I just love her eyes that's all. That's all it will ever be.

A/N: hey guys... I decided to make this story because the girl I have been crushing on for 3 years finally said that she'll date me but she has also been my best friend since 4th grade(I'm going to be in 9th grade in 3 months) I really can't believe she said yes!!! If you need any advise on girls or even guys (you don't have To be lesbian or bi to read my story) just pm me or comment on the last status I posted or if you have kik we can talk over that. So yeah bye!!! 

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