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Crystal is a supernatural creature called a memorabilia: 

Memorabilia: They are connected to their other half or soul mate, they can see memories through their soul mate.

And when their other half or soul mate is in trouble or hurt, they scream uncontrollably much like a Banshee but it only happens with their soul mate.

They can also see the future life with their soul mate, such as having kid or getting married.

A Memorabilia's powers only start to kick in around the age of 7.

Which episodes:

1: Firefly: When Isaacs dad smashs the plate, when he runs out of the house.

2: Crystal Clear: When Isaac is in the holding cell, and she briefly sees Scott.

3: Whispered: When Isaac, Erica, and boyd were chained up by Derek on the full moon.

4: Fearful: When Isaac trys to get Lydia to Derek to kill her, and their all at Scott's house.

5: Kiss: The kiss is in the far future when Isaac and Crystal get together, and they kiss.

6: Unmoving: When Isaac gets parailized by Jackson trying to help Scott in lacrosse.

7: ice: When Isaac is looking for his memories and they do that ice tub thing.

8: please: When they go to that motal and they see things.

9: Fright or fight: When Boyd is killed in Dereks loft.

10: Will you?: This is in the future when Isaac asks Crystal to marry him.

11: Twins: also in the future when they have twins, which are named Alex and Ashley. Also they are born with the werewolf gene and Ashley (girl) is a Memorabilia.

12: Him: This is at the end of season 3A when Crystal gets out of Echine house for real, and she also feels some of Isaacs pain from losing Erica and Boyd. 


A/N: Okay so this is what supernatural creature Crystal is, this is why you thought she was out of Echine house when really she was seeing Isaacs memories but she was still in Echine house the whole book up until the end when she really does get out.

Crystal was put in Echine house when she was 7 as she is 17 now, she was put there because she kept screaming uncontrollably, that is because around the age of 7 Isaacs father started beating him, and when a Memorabilia's soul mate is hurt or in trouble they Scream.

Also when the chapter ends or she stops hearing the thudding it means the medication that they give her at Echine house has started to kick in. That’s also why the chapters are so short, because it's just a memory but obviously Crystal doesn't know that.

Almost all the time Crystal thinks she's dreaming and is back at her home, when really she is still in Echine house.

Also this is set in season 2 and season 3A if you didn't already figure that out!

Also the firefly that she kept seeing was her minds way of warning her about the nogitsune.

So when she gets out of Echine it's the beginning of season 3B, if that makes sense.

Crystal doesn't know what she is, but that is what she is going to find out.

I hope you enjoyed this book, I had a really fun time writing it. It was hard because I couldn't let you guys know that she was actually just seeing these memories and wasn't actually there, which was hard because she couldn’t interact with the characters herself, but she thought she was but it was actually just Isaac.

I don't know if I will make a another book with Crystal, should I? Comment if so.

Or if you want me to make a book in this writing style for another one of the teen wolf characters.

Also I know the chapters are short but I made it that way, because I am actually focusing on my other teen wolf fanfiction "Wolf Claws  [ Derek Hale ] right now, but I really wanted to do a Isaac Lahey fanfiction and so I came up with this.

Who doesn't like the puppy that is Isaac Lahey? 

So now you know what she is and hopefully it makes more sense to you!

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Comment what you thought of the whole fanfiction!


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