Dream Come True

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kinda similar to 😴💭 imagine


You hated everyone, you hated being hurt, you hated waking up knowing what will happen again. You hated everything about your life.

But there is one escape for all of it, none other than sleep.

You have this ability called lucid dreaming where in you can control your own dream and remember all of it.

One day, it all got too much. Too much that you can't seem to handle it. You rushed to your house once the last school bell rang. 

Your mom called you for dinner but you lied that you have so much homework to do.

"I hate my life." You plop down your bed and closed your eyes to start dreaming.

When you opened them, you were standing on a devastated road, around you was all sand and rocks.

"What happened this time?" A familiar voice behind you asked. The voice that makes you smile, feel comfort and safety.

You turned around and saw him looking right at you. "Hello Shawn."

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just tired." You let out a nervous chuckle.

"Something's up Y/N, tell me." He insisted.

"Shawn, come on. This is a dream. I'm asleep and don't wanna think about the reality right now." You grumbled and walked away.

"Y/N, I'm worried about you." Shawn ran to you. 

"Don't be, Shawn! Just leave me alone!" You shout at him. 

"Then do it, erase me from this place." You look at him, surprised. You're thinking twice if you should really do it.

"Just do it Y/N. You wanted to be alone, right? I'll go with just one thought of yours." He took steps towards you.

"I-I don't think I can do anything anymore Shawn." Dark clouds start to form from above again. "All they do to me makes me weaker..." Mists appear around. "Maybe I should give up." Darkness and silence went next.

Nothing happened for a while. Then you heard footsteps behind then you felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N," Shawn kneels down in front of you then lifts your chin. His eyes show concern. He gives you a comforting hug.

You felt a light flicker underneath the darkness.

Shawn hugged you tighter as you silently cried on his shoulder. He rubs your back.

The light starts to shine brighter until it made things clearer.

"You know Y/N," he pulls back. "I think you should let it all out."

You look him in the eyes. "What do you mean let it all out?"

Shawn stands up; he holds both of your hands. "I'm going to show you a place where you can scream all your thoughts and feelings."

You nodded your head, inhaled then closed your eyes. Then, you felt cool breeze and grass that touches your knees. The wind was howling and it rustles the leaves on the trees.

"Where are we?" You asked Shawn.

"I used to come here when I need inspiration to write songs. When I'm frustrated and there is nothing in real life that can help me, this is my escape."

Escape? Nothing in real life?

"And I think this is the perfect place for you. Come." Shawn holds your hand as he leads you to a clearer field. He faces you. "Now all you have to do is scream all your stress, thoughts and emotions."

You nodded. You turned to the sun and screamed at the top of your lungs. It was great feeling to finally let it out. When you were done, you gave Shawn a hug.

"Thank you Shawn or should I say subconscious mind." You chuckled. "I wish I could hug real life Shawn one day."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to give you a hug you deserve when we meet." He says.

"What?" You asked, surprised.

"I'll see you soon Y/N. Time to wake up now."

You sat up on your bed. The first thing that came to your mind was what Shawn said. It was like the real Shawn is talking. Hmm... maybe your imagination is just running wild.


6 months later...

Shawn Mendes is in your country for a 2 day concert. He was really close to your town so you decided to visit him. You saw him finally, in real life.There were a couple fans taking pictures with him.

After taking a picture with one fan, Shawn notices you. He was looking directly at you. Then, he walks towards you.

"Y/N?" He says, surprised. How could Shawn know your name. This was the first time you met each other, or so you thought.

Before you could even say hi, he gives a hug. It felt just like the one in your dream.

"I told you I'm giving you a hug you deserve."

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