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It was another stressful day at school. Terms, equations and works that bring headaches. Then there goes the bullying to make you feel nothing but another worthless living thing on the face of earth.

One of your ways to separate from reality and release stress is (of course) sleep.

You have this ability to control dreams; make your own scenarios just by thinking about it. You may even remember those.

One day, you were walking back home.

Your hair and clothes were wet, a bruised right hand that feels like it is broken and a cut on your lower lip. These were all caused by the bullies. They grabbed you, slapped you, threw things at you and damped a bucket of water.

You arrived at your house and slowly, you opened the door. There was some noise in the kitchen, maybe your mom was making dinner. You walked inside then a floorboard creaks.

"Y/N, is that you? How was school?" Before she could even see you, you swiftly ran up the stairs, shouting your reply. "Cool mom. But I have so much homework; I gotta do it right now."

You locked you door and let out a sigh. You put your bag on a chair then went to the bathroom to put some bandage on your hand and also to have a calming shower.


"I hate my life." You plop down your bed, face first. You put the warm covers over you and closed your eyes...

When you opened them, you were in your dream. Instead of it being a sunny park, you changed the place into a devastated road and rain was pouring hard.

"What happened this time?" A familiar voice behind you asked. That voice always makes you smile and feel comfort for some reason. 

You turned around and saw that face, another reason why you love sleeping and grateful you got this ability.

The rain suddenly calmed down and you two stood on a beach with the sunset.

"Uh... Nothing. Just stressed out." You let out a worried chuckle. Shawn looks at you curiously. He can tell by your actions and voice.

"Something's up Y/N, tell me." He insisted. "Shawn, come on. This is a dream. I don't wanna think about the reality right now." You grumbled and walked away.

"Y/N, come here." Shawn ran to you.

"NO Shawn! Leave me alone!" You shout at him.

"Then do it, erase me from this place." You look at him, thinking twice if you should really do it. "Just do it Y/N. You wanted to be alone, right? I'll go with just one thought of yours." He took some steps towards you.

"I can't. You know I'm afraid to be alone and I hate it." You start to tear up.

Dark clouds start to form from above again. "It's just that I don't wanna do anything anymore. I feel so weak." Mists appear around.

"Maybe I should give up." Darkness and silence went next.

Nothing happened for a while. You heard footsteps coming towards you from behind then you felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N." Shawn kneels down in front of you then puts your head up using his hand. He gives you a comforting hug.

"You know what?" He starts rubbing your back then let goes. "I think you need to let it all out."

You look him in the eyes. "What do you mean let it all out?"

Shawn stands up; he holds both of your hands. "Ok, what I need you to do is think of a place you can reflect and scream all your thoughts and feelings. Got it?"

You nodded your head, inhaled then closed your eyes. Where is that?

When you open your eyes, you were in the bathroom?

"Why are we in the bathroom?" Shawn asks, confused. You put your hand in your chin and reply. "I used to spend my time here, you know. Overthinking some stuff." You reply.

Shawn nods and tells you to change the place. You close your eyes again and after a few seconds you were in your room.

"What's with your room?" Shawn asks again. "This is my safe place. No one will bother me and everything is silent. Sometimes I scream on my pillow and also cry there." You tell him.

"But you are still keeping yourself. You're still trapped here. Try a place where there are no walls or barriers."

You nodded again and changed the place.

"Playground." You say. "I can play here freely, no one stops me." You walked to slide, Shawn following behind you.

Suddenly, a bad memory appears.

"What's that?" Shawn comes closer to the slide.

It was a blurry image of you being pushed on top of the slide. You end up breaking your wrist. Your friends surrounded but didn't help you.

"I remember that..." you take a step closer. "Gwen pushed me; I ended up breaking my wrist. No one helped me until Mom and Dad came."

Shawn puts his hand on your shoulder then rubs it. "How about another place?"

You close your eyes and once again took a deep breath.

You felt cool breeze and grass on your feet. There were birds chirping and leaves rustling on the branches.

"Dad used to take the whole family here." You said as you open your eyes.

"We ran along these tall grasses, picked pretty flowers and have picnics. Me/I (and my sister/brother [if you ever have one] climb this trees and Dad would carry me down. Mom calls us for lunch and gives us the best sandwiches in the whole world."

"Family..." You looked at Shawn who was behind you. "When you mentioned your parents, this was the place that went to your mind. Your family was a reason for your memories here." He said.

"You should be happy Y/N. You are not alone. You got a family that cares and loves you all the time. Be happy because you have them in your life." He lifts your chin. You saw his smile that tells you everything is alright.

"Now, all you have to do is scream all your thoughts and feelings." He said.

You turned to the sun. You screamed at the top of your lungs. By the time you finished, you feel much better. Shawn gave you another hug and whispered, "It's a great time to be alive." before you woke up.


Well this went longer than expected. 

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