No matter how hard you tried, it seems 'God' wanted you fail at any chance you get, you know if you die now Homura will reset time an the worst of it all is that you're conscious about it, unlike other characters who had no idea that she's been restarting the time in a miserable groundhog day loop. You're stuck with her, and ironically now you're also her motivation to do so. There's almost no explanation for all of this madness.

Is everything you do is for nothing?

Pain in your whole body starts to surface once more and you've felt like your soul is going to burst... Wait! Soul!

You summon your soul gem in front of you using the black limbs and sure enough the blackness of your gem resembles your appendages as well. In panic you uses your power to destroy it but it just passes through without damage. As you did that, someone calls your name "We did it, Walpurgis is..."

Madoka pauses the moment when she saw you exposing your jet black soul gem "No!" she runs and picks up a grief seed from her pocket and instantly connects it to your soul gem but to your surprise, the corruption within your soul gem resisted the absorption of the seed, shocking her in the process as you just manically smiles "W-Why? is it expired?"

"No Madoka-chan, it's the same reason why my limb can't be healed" You kept smiling whilst looking down to which your sentence horrifies her

"What! No!" Homura and the others follows as tears starts to come out of her eyes again "Can you do me a favor? By destroying my soul gem?"

Homura exclaims your first name loudly as more tears came "You, you called me by my first name" you points out with a sincere smile of acceptance and defeat.

"No! No! No! You can't die here! We, we finally defeated Walpurgis and Madoka and is safe so why did this happened? Why!" as she pleads by repeating your name over and over again in desperation

"Homura-chan... I don't want to turn into a monster so could you please shatter this thing for me" you said weakly, she shuts her eyes and picked up a gun as none of the girls attempt to stop her, not even Madoka "Oh and Homura, please just continue on, Madoka is fine and you can be happy with he-"

"NO!" She cuts your sentences as sobs came out of her

"Madoka... Madoka is not the only one I care about, I cared for you as well! You know how devastated I am when you died the first time? it was out of nowhere and my wish is not fulfilled if you both dies!" She shouts with her eyes filled with tears. You cannot hold the pain any longer, it intensifies dramatically as your body felt that you're going to crumble. A shoot of a pistol is heard and the shattered sound of a gem follows it, you took a last breath and everything turns black.


You woke up in your room and get reminded on the whole fiasco. You sighed of the fact you have to do this all over again and so you need to change the plans.

You no longer have to use your full power in fear that it might implodes part of your body, besides the last time you fought Walpurgisnacht, she doesn't seems to be as aggressive as you last fought her. You will also only goes solo to recruit the other four girls to minimize the possibility of the same thing happening again.

You noticed something strange, everything around you seems to get blurry... Oh that's right, you can just fix your eyes with magic, the same way Homura did it. ..





You decided to use some form of optic object to help you see, either glasses or lenses and if you already wore a pair of it then you set it to fit your worsening sights. It appears that your body deteriorate on each timeline, this is it, you can't allow her to reset it again or simply existing here would a pain.

When you meet up with Homura, she already took off her glasses. She looks at you with seriousness on her face, you used telepathy but she then answers "Let's talk about it in the rooftop"

You arrived as she shows her original self again towards you, perhaps because she have nothing to hide from you "Have you prevented Madoka from become a Magical Girl?" you ask to which she nods. From there and on you discusses on the next plan, you agreed not to put yourself in much danger, it seems that the power you had indeed affects your body.

You told her the plan that he'll be recruiting the other magical girls that you encountered previously, as in case Sayaka, Kyouko, and Mami dies in the process, you knew she'll need all of the help remembering Kyubey would trick them into killing each other.

For a while the plans went smoothly, and in the day of the Walpurgisnacht, no matter how much Kyubey tried you managed to destroy him and teleports Madoka to a safe distance before he could convince her to make a wish as you hides in the shadows and helps the others battle the witch. Hopefully now your limbs or your body won't explode.

As your group curb-stomp Walpurgis, you suddenly lost Madoka in the nine hectometer radius, in panic you teleport yourself from the battle and in search for Madoka. Homura then shouts your name and exclaims "No! Don't use it too much!"

The moment you heard her warning, you stopped and to your horror, you saw pink light came from a distance and instantly kills Walpurgis despite her being as weak as she can get. Homura saw this with disbelief as you hits the ground with your hand

"Damn that thing to hell"

A very familiar scream then echoes from the distance, you expand your Measuring Tape to kilometers and appears in Madoka's location. As you enters her proximity her soul gem breaks as she turned into the now strongest witch known as Kriemhild Gretchen.

You return back in an instant as the rest gaze and awe upon her transformation, the thought of her becoming a witch the moment she made her wish dreads you greatly "NOOOOOO!!!" with incredulity Homura screams as she was on her knees and closing her eyes with her hand "W-what happened?"

"It appears you both cannot explain the situation" Kyubey suddenly appears as he is given a death stare by everyone, the purple haired one chokes him and started to shout on his face.

"What the heck did you do?"

"She kept thinking that defeating the witch is impossible, I'm not responsible for her own doubts on your abilities. Besides it will be such a waste of potential from her, the energy produced from her wish are enough to fill out quota" He said straightly as no response were given.

"Well she's humanity's problem now, we shall be leaving the planet before she could destroy it"

"Say... You doesn't seems to have any interest in fighting her, what is the reason?" you then looked at Homura before uttering.

"Because our battle here anymore, isn't that right Homura-chan?"

"Correct" she then stood up and prepare to reset the timeline as everyone watches in silence.

"Homura, don't tell me that" and as with that she just activates her ability as you are re-sent back into your room

Will this ever end? 

Spatial Storm. A Reader x Various Madoka Magica FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now