dos - ice cream is paradise on a hot summer day

Start from the beginning

Did I seriously just do that? And did he seriously just laugh at me? What a douche. I held my head up high and walked out of the diner without giving him another glance.

It was when I was outside the diner and was on the sidewalk that I realized he had hazel coloured eyes, they were golden, with a tinge of grass' green around the edge. His dark hair was slightly tousled and not to mention his shining white teeth. What I found really interesting was the fact that I didn't even realize any of these details until I was outside and not in the same room as the boy. But really, who cares about him anyway.

In a matter of minutes I had forgotten about him.

The beach was only a few hundred meters away from the diner, I feel like the beach is never far away from anywhere when you live in Miami. The hot sand consumed my feet as I walked towards the water. The beach wasn't too crowded and I was thankful, people were probably all at work or something. I laid my towel underneath a beach umbrella and looked at my surroundings.

There were so many families on the beach that morning, and so many different people doing different things. Some were playing in the turquoise coloured ocean, some were building sandcastles but most were just tanning. After I put on my sunglasses I pulled out my notepad and did the thing that I felt most at ease doing.

I began to sketch.

I'm not sure how much time had passed before I realized how hot my skin was. I guess even under the umbrella the sun was just too strong.

Putting my notepad and clothes safely in my bag I ran towards the ocean. The lukewarm water felt like paradise on my scorching skin. I leaned back and floated on the water for a while, hoping for some quiet time for myself, but suddenly I feel a tap on my forehead and I struggle to find my balance on the unevenly sloped sand underneath my feet.

"Whoa who-" I sputtered before I actually got a good look at the two figures that were standing beside me. I recognized them from the diner; they were the friends of the douche who laughed at me.

"Hi, I'm Tami and this is my boyfriend Leo," she gestured towards the boy who had an arm around her. Tami had long wavy black hair and dark brown eyes with tanned skin and Leo had spiky blue, yes, blue hair and eyes that were so green they looked fake.

"Um, hi, I'm Alice," I didn't know why they were speaking to me but hopefully they weren't horrible people.  

"You're new here aren't you?" Leo asked me.

How could they possibly have known I'm new? This is Miami for god's sake; it's not that small of a city, people aren't supposed to be able to tell.

"How can you be so sure?" I scoffed.

"We aren't sure, just asking, no need to get all defensive," Tami gave me a warm smile.

"Yeah ok, I'm new, it's that easy to tell huh?" I began to make my way towards shore. They followed.

"Not really, I've just been here my whole life and when someone...different, comes to the beach I can tell," Tami shrugged once we were under my umbrella. Turns out, our towels were right next to each other's.

I'm still a little shell shocked by the fact that I'm actually conversing with a real life human being and it's just the first actual day here. That has never happened before.

"We like to make new comers feel welcome if you're wondering why we're taking to you," Leo laughed a little, showing some crooked teeth.

"That's nice of you guys," I said, but it sounded so sarcastic so I quickly added, "it really is!" which sounded even more sarcastic. I groaned, story of my life huh?

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