, "You guys good?" Thomas asked us, "Never better." I said. brenda looked at us like a disappointed mom, "I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this." Thomas apologized, "I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us." Fry corrected Thomas, "You're welcome." Brenda says, "Hey, don't get your hopes up. that checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. if that was overrun, chances are the city is too." Jorge said, "Yeah, unless they figured out some other way to keep the cranks out." Newt added. jorge stopped the car. we got out and looked the distance where you could see the city, "Funny. spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in." Newt said, "Yeah it's hilarious." Thomas said, "Jorge how do we get in?" I asked,

"Don't look at me, hermana. those walls are new. I guess that's WCKD's answer for everything." Jorge said,
"Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here. let's go!" Brenda said getting in the car. I turned around which I didn't mean to because newt saw my back, "Love when did this happen!?" Newt said starting to panic, "Newt I'm fine, it happened when the car flipped. don't worry I didn't get bitten." I said kissing the side of his cut that healed on the side of his right cheek. newt and me walked up to thomas, "You really think he's in there?" Newt questioned, "I guess we'll find out." Thomas said, "You know she's gonna be there, too." Newt said mentioning teresa

We walked around this place that had a lot of people so it was really hard to keep up with one another, "This place has really gone through hell." Jorge said, "We just gotta stay together." Thomas said. we looked behind us because and saw guys that I believe are guards riding on top of the car. One of them looked at me and thomas like he seen us before. everybody was cheering at the guy speech on top of the car. we made it to the gate of the city, "That's it. that's our way in." Thomas said. We walked slowly trying to blend in just in case if somebody was watching us, "This is not what your looking for. all theses people trying to find their way in, you think your gonna find something they can't?" Jorge said. Did have a point, "Came this far. I'm not turning back now." Thomas said not listening to Jorge, "What the hell did we get ourselves into?" Fry said. We made it to the end of the line that led straight to the city but something about it just didn't feel like it was right, "Thomas this doesn't feel right." Jorge said trying to stop him but thomas just didn't listen.

as we walked I looked behind me and saw that same guard that was on top of the car. I looked back at newt and he gave me a not too worried look. I took his hand and kept walking but there was also one on newt's right side. newt grabbed thomas's shoulder, "Hey, guys we gotta go now. look." Newt said showing them the guards getting closer. a weird Echo came from in front of us. everyone immediately stopped yelling. Everybody started running. thomas went to walk closer but as soon as he did bombs were fired. We immediately acted fast. When we were running one of the guards stopped us and grab newt, "NEWT!" I yelled punching one of them so hard that my knuckles were red. But another one came up behind me and grab me. they put me in the back of the car with the newt. I can feel myself losing air as I started hyperventilating newt hugged as two cars just looked at us

The car finally stopped and they let us out. Another car pulled in as we could hear screaming coming from the back of the car. One guard flew out of the car as Jorge jumped on top of them, "WHERE IS SHE!?" Jorge said beating the crap out of them. We tried trying to help or hate but the guards pulled this back going in the guns at us. me. Thomas and newt hands up so they wouldn't shoot us, "Everybody relax, we're all on the same side here." The guard said, "What do you mean same side? who the hell are you?" Thomas said walking up to him. the guard took his mask off and looked at us,"Hey, greenie." He said, "...Gally?" Thomas said. Once I heard him say his name I realized exactly who that was. The friend that was stung and killed Chuck. thomas punch the living hell out of him causing him to plummet to the ground. Me and newt acted fast, "Whoa, whoa! stop!" Newt said holding thomas's arm back that he was about to use to punch Gally again,

"He killed Chuck." Thomas said, "Yeah I know I remember. i was there too, all right? but I also remember that he was stung and half of his mind. just calm down. all right?" Newt softly asked thomas. thomas got up backing away from gally. I helped him up, Kind of had that coming." Gally said, "Anybody else? fry? newt?" Gally said as fry and newt didn't do anything, "You know this guy?" Jorge asked, "He was an old friend." Fry told jorge, "How? how is this possible? we watched you die." Newt said not believing what he's saying, "No, you left me to die. and if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now. what the hell are you doing here?" Gally said, "Minho. WCKD has him here. we're looking for a way in." Newt said, "I can help with that. follow me." Gally offered, "I'm not going anywhere with you." Thomas said very harshly, "Suit yourself. but I can get you through those walls." Says gally. he seems like we can actually trust him. Hopefully he can get us through and hopefully minho is still hanging on.

Hello my fellow nerds!😄 Hopefully this one is good! Like I said there's going to be some really big twists coming up and I can't wait to write them! enjoy and have an amazing day or night 😋 ~~~Denise😁💜~~~

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