Chapter 15 <3

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* Two Weeks Later*

Bre's Pov

It has been two weeks since Josh has been put in prison. I was so glad that I would never have to see him again. I hated him. He did nothing, but hurt me. I don’t see how he could even live with himself. He’s just a jerk. Christian and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. We didn’t want to think about what had happened, so we were focusing on us. I had apologized to Gabbie, I can’t believe that I had told her that we weren’t friends anymore, but she understood everything. She just understood. Nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen. The one phone call that changed everything. Ava, my lawyer called me and I quickly answered. Hello. I said. Hey, I have bad news. Josh’s lawyer somehow managed to get him out of prison. He’s been released. What? I replied in shock. Yeah, he’s out of prison now. I’ve got to go, but I’m going to try to find out how. She replied and hung up. I had been so happy a minute ago, but now I just felt sick to my stomach. Why the hell did they let him out? Did he give them money? That jackass needs to pay for what he put me through, but apparently no one else thought so. A lot of “The Hunger Games” Fans have been hating on me. They said it was my fault. Yeah, right. If only they knew that their idol was a jerk and tried to rape people. The nerve of some people. I had to call Christian and see if he knew about this. I dialed his number and waited for an answer. It went straight to voicemail. That’s strange. He never turns his phone off. I’m going to call Caitlin and see if she knows where he is. I dialed her number and hoped that she answered. Hello. She said into the phone. Hey, do you know where Christian is? I asked. I saw him an hour ago, he said he was on the way to your house. She replied. This couldn’t be good. Ok, thanks for the help. I said and hung up without giving her chance to say anything back. I looked in my driveway and saw Christian’s truck. His door was open, but there was no sign of him. Josh must have got him! I have to find him before it’s too late. Josh would do anything just to get me back! Even if it meant hurting Christian! I was about to go outside when someone grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall. he forced himself on me and next thing I knew he had raped me. I had just been raped by someone that I hated. This couldn’t be happening. I started screaming Christian’s name because I knew if he was around and heard me screaming, he would find a way to break free and save me. Yet, he didn’t come to my rescue like I thought he would. Bitch, stop screaming! He’s not going to hear you because he’s no where around here! I told you not to fuck with me, but you did! We could have had a happy ending without all of this, but I’m afraid things didn’t turn that way. So, bye you stupid whore! If you tell someone about this, then I will kill Christian and possibly you! He cruelly said and left. He had the one boy that I loved. I had to find him. I have to call Gabbie, but I can’t tell her about Josh raping me because he has a way of finding out things. I called Gabbie and she quickly answered. Hey. She said. You need to come over and fast because Josh has taken Christian! I yelled. Ok, I’m on my way. She said and hung out fast. I went ahead and got in Christian’s truck. I was going to take my escalade, but it was easier to take his truck because the keys were already in it and it was closer to the house. Gabbie pulled in my driveway and got out of her car. She got into the truck and we were on a mission to find Christian.

Christian's Pov

I was planning on spending my day with Bre, but stupid Josh had decided otherwise. He took me to a old warehouse. Real original, especially since he hid Bre in this warehouse. He probably figured that they wouldn’t suspect him to be back here. Josh had just came back. I wonder where that jerk has been. Hey, bastard! Your girl is pretty good in bed, you know even if you have to rape her. Josh said while smiling. You bastard! I yelled. Hey, it’s not like she’s going to tell someone anyways. Why would she risk you getting hurt by telling someone? He asked. YOU THREATENED AND RAPED HER?!?! I screamed. Yes, do you have a problem with that? I figured she needed someone to give her some, since you probably wouldn’t do anything. He said with a straight face. This dude was seriously messed up. I hope Bre finds me soon…..

Bre's Pov

We had been searching for an hour and yet we haven’t found him. I couldn’t spend all night looking for him, I need a shower after fucking getting raped. We went back to my house and Gabbie was staying tonight trying to think of where he could’ve took Christian. If only we knew….

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