Tagged rIp

15 1 0

Well, alleyisgarbage tagged me. Go home.


1) it has to be done within 3 days
2) ten things about you
3) spoiler for a book you're writing
4) tag 28 people


1) I'm always hungry, like its bad.
2) I have three other siblings.
3) I really hate myself most of the time.
4) I can sleep for 16+ hours on a weekend
5) I have two pets
6) I really, really want a piggy
7) I also really want a rat
8) I had a hamster, she hated me for like the two years I had her then she died.
9) I've snorted a number of things that aren't cocaine :/
10) I'm low key obsessed with Shane Dawson


I looked him in the eye.

"Remington?" I said, questioningly.

"Yes, Y/n?" He said softly, flipping through the paper.

"I-I want you to turn me" I said. He darted his eyes to me, looking at me curiously.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I want you to turn me."


Idfk 28 people so deal with it.


That's all I'm doing sorry.

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