I hate myself sometimess

18 3 2

*this is completely unrelated to the last chapter*

I wish I wasn't heartbroken over a guy I didn't even technically date.

Like we both liked each other, gave each other presents for Christmas, did all this shit together, and we went out for pizza on valentines.

But then he dropped me.

Not in the sense that we don't talk anymore, the fact that he fucking played me in a way.

Like bitch tells me he likes me and makes it "obvious" (which it wasn't haHA) and then tells me he likes some guy and literally doesn't even feel the same anymore.

But it's like; we didn't even technically date but he just.... hurt my heart pretty bad I guess.

The worst thing is, is that he told people we WERE dating.

So we were a "thing" but it wasn't officially a "thing".

Fuck I'm crying again.

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