The Escape (Final Part)

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  I woke up a little early and decided to just lay there until the walls open. It's ok if I was a little late today, Thomas would still be tired from yesterday anyway.
  Newt laid beside me, and by the sound of it, he was also awake. "Hey there." He says in a groggy voice. I liked it. It was cute. He was cute.
  "Hi." I say. He snuggles into my shoulder and I shift myself to look up at the sky. Then I realized the sky. The sky didn't look like the sky. It was weird. It was grey. Not like the grey you see on a cloudy day. It looked like ceiling . There were no clouds, no sign of a sun or birds. Nothing.
  I get up and take a closer look."What the hell-" I whisper to myself.
  "Come on, we still have 5 more minutes." Newt says still cuddled in the hammock.
  "No, Newt." I say in a whisper. "Look at it."
  "Look at what, Minho." He says.
  "The sky. There's no clouds or a sun or nothin'. Just a grey ceiling."
  He opens his eyes and I hear him shift behind me, sitting up to get a look. "What the bloody hell happened?" He asked no one. "It looks like a bloody ceiling!"
  "Yeah." I say. Then I snap out of my trance one the rumbling of the walls begins. "Come on, we gotta get to Alby." I quickly grab my shit and pull it over my head as Newt fixes his hair and gets up.
  We walk quickly to the box where a group of Gladers, Alby at the center, were standing. They were all looking up at the now grey sky. Everyone was talking over one another, trying to figure out what was wrong with the sky. "Alby!" I say over the crowd. He looks over to me and walks to meet us. "You see the sky?"
"Have I seen the sky? Have I seen the sky! Of course I have, slinthead. You idiot! First thing you say to me is 'have you seen the sky?'. Is this a joke?"
"Slim it, Alby." Newt says.
"No! I will not! This isn't the time to be joking around and asking stupid questions! Right now is the time to go out and explore the maze! See if anything's changed. Bring all the Runners, including Thomas. Go now! Newt, you stay with me." He nods and I run off to find everyone. Conveniently, they were all gathered by the East door. Everyone except Thomas. He was with Chuck in the trees. I run over to the two.
"Thomas!" He looks down from the sky along with Chuck and towards me. "Let's go! We gotta get to the maze! See what's changing!" He nods without question and the group of runners enter the maze.


The whole day I was worrying about Minho. You can't expect anything now that the sky has literally disappeared and replaced with this grey ceiling.
When he and Tommy did return, they didn't find anything worthwhile. Minho looked discouraged, and Tommy looked no different. Then Chuck came up to us screaming our names.
"ALBY! NEWT! SHE WOKE UP!" Chuck yelled frantically as he ran up to us. "She woke up! The girl woke up! Clint wants to see you guys." Me and Alby look at one another and we look at Minho. Alby makes a break for the building and I try to catch up but my limp makes it hard.
"It's ok," Minho says them picks me up like a baby. "I'll carry ya."
"Oh why thank you." I say and he runs full speed to the building. "My knight in shining armor." When we get there and to her room, he puts me down.
"Dude, you weigh the equivalent of a feather."
"I don't know if that's a compliment or not."
"It was meant as a way of saying 'eat more'." I laugh and we enter inside. Alby was staring at an empty bed and a open window. "Where the hell did she go?"
Clint entered behind us. "She was here!" He said as he walked around the room. "She woke up and started going bezerk. I saw Chuck and asked him to get you guys. As you guys know, she kept saying Thomas' name in her sleep and..." he stops and Minho's eyes widen.
Then, he runs out the door, Alby is the one to carry me this time while running after him. He was running right for the forest. Alby put me down as Minho slowed, then he took the lead.
This time we all jogged around. Then we found Thomas and Teresa talking by a tree. "Yo!" Alby says and pins Thomas up against a tree. "It's time you give some answers greenie. And you too, girl!" Alby points towards Teresa.
"I swear I don't know anything about this." Thomas says calmly.
"Am I suppose to believe that klunk? You get here, then her and the whole maze starts goin' bezerk. Now the sky is grey, she wakes up and where do we find her? With you!"
"I swear I didn't do this!" Thomas says. "I don't even know her! She came to find me! Not the other way around!"
"We are wasting time!" Minho says. "If you haven't noticed, the walls aren't closing, and that only means one thing-"
"Grievers." Alby almost whispered. "Oh no."
"Yeah. So why don't we put the girl," he motioned toward Teresa, "in the slammer, she'll be safe there, safer than the rest of us, and tomorrow we will decide her fait. We get the builders to start securing homestead and stay there for tonight."
Alby releases Thomas and takes a deep breath. "Alright." He says. "Minho, go get the builders to start building around homestead. Newt, take Teresa to the slammer." He turns his head again towards Thomas. "And frankly I don't know what to do with this one here. He comes in here and everything is thrown out of whack."
"Just leave em'" I say. "I'll watch him. Make sure he ain't doing nothin' suspicious."
"Ok." Alby says. "Then let's go!"

Me and Minho are the only two left awake out of the three of us: me, Minho and Thomas. We were cuddling on the only bed while Thomas took two chairs and put them together. Pretty smart if you ask me.
  Minho was trying to be strong, but I could tell he was scared. Very scared. "Minho." He opened his eyes and I saw them red. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." He lied. I shook my head.
"Your lying."
"No I'm not."
"Don't lie, Minho."
"I'm not!"
We were quiet for moment, I only listened to the sound of his breathing.
"What if we don't make it." Minho spike suddenly.
"What if we don't make it. What if after all of this I'm the only one left. I won't have you. What will I do?"
"You'll move on."
"No I wouldn't."
"Sure you would."
"I wouldn't be able to."
"Yes you would."
"No I wouldn't!" He whispers viscously into the dark. "I'd be too sad without you with me! I wouldn't be able to lie. With myself. Your my world, Newt. And just the thought of living without you makes me go insane. You saw how i was when you almost died the last time. Only this time I would be so much worse!"
  I stared at him for a moment as he tried calming himself down. I looked over at Tommy to make sure he was still asleep and turned my attention back to Minho. He was staring at his feet, tears streaming down his face. He wiped them away before I could. Then he lays back down.
  "It's ok to be scared, Minho." I said. He didn't respond. I sigh. "Minho, please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."
  "No." He says. "Nothings wrong."
  I wait. "Minho-"
  "No! Nothings wrong!" He sighs and closes his eyes and rubs them with his hands. "If I cry, it means I'm weak. And I can't be weak. Not now."
  Minho-" I crawl next to him and rub his muscular arm. "You're the strongest person I know. You can't not be weak. It's not possible for you." He opens his eyes and smiles at me and I return it back.
  "I love you." He says in a shaky voice. I kiss him on the head. Then he closes his eyes and I cuddle next to him and we sleep.

Ok so I'm gonna time skip to when Minho and Thomas are coming out of the maze the next day cuz I don't have anything to write :p

  I wait by the maze doors the next day and Minho comes into view along with Thomas. He comes closer and he looked angry and upset. He kicked a stick that was nearby and stormed off. "Minho!" I yelled and he turned around. "What happened? What did you see?"
  "Nothing." He mumbled. "Nothing! We saw nothing! You know, this is useless! We are never going to find anything! The creators must just be messing with our heads at this point because I can guarantee that we would have found an exit by now!" He runs to the kitchen to presumably eat something.
  "Minho can be a real hothead sometimes. He'll be fine, though." I say to Thomas and run after him.
  I enter the kitchen and Minho is sitting on a bench just staring at the wall. "Minho." I say as I enter the kitchen. "You need to calm down."
  He gets up suddenly and starts yelling. "Calm down! I can't calm down! We've been here for 2 years and so many people have died already! George is gone, Nick, Ben, Gally, Alby, and so many freking others! And what have we accomplished? Nothing! I give up. There's no point when the grievers are obvious just here to pick us off one by one. I volunteer as tonight's meal for them. Cause I got nothin' to live for." He breaths in and out once and sits back down.
  "Look, I'm not here for a pep talk, cause we ain't got time for that. What I am here for though is to get my friend back in the game. We've gotta work together if we are ever going to get out of here. I think Teresa finished up the code, we will go look at that, then we will figure out our next move. Ok?" He nods and slowly gets up.
  "Ok." He says."Let's go."

Again, I'm gonna time skip cause I got nothin to write for this part. Basically Tommy gets himself stung and they find out that the griever home is an exit so now they bout to go into da maze


  Me and Newt belt hands as we went into the maze. "Promise me something." Newt whispered to me.
  "What." I whisper back."
  "When we get I where we are going, marry me."
  "Newt, do you really think nows the-"
  "Promise me, Minho." I stare into his gorgeous eyes. I couldn't say no.
  "I promise." He smiles and we enter the maze.

A/N: Aaaaaaannd that's a wrap on The Escape. Thanks to all those who keep reading. It really means a lot. I will be posting The Scorch, the next part, next Sunday like usual, so keep tuned for that.
Thanks a bunch
-That Beaver

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