The Escape (Part 2)

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"TOMMY YOU SHUCKING IDIOT WHY THE SHUCK WOUKD YOU DO SUCH A SHUCKING SHUCK THING!" I screamed at the wall. All the Gladers were ether staring blankly at the wall or looking at me like I was a weirdo. I banged on the wall several times. What an idiot! He must have a death wish!
I shook my head. Idiot. What an idiot. "Go to sleep, everyone. We will deal with this tomorrow. I'll hold a gathering." I say to everyone. They all ether nod or grunt and go off to homestead or the hammocks. Gally comes up to me. "What are we gonna shucking do?"
"I don't know yet. I'll sleep on it and tell you tomorrow."
As I walk away, I hear Gally shout, "If Alby isn't back, could I be your second in command?"
"I'll put you on the list." I say sarcastically. He just laughs and goes off to bed.

I laid in bed that night thinking about Minho. He must already be dead. He must be. And I'm left with the question of if he ever thought of me as more than a friend.
What an I suppose to do? I can't be a leader. I'm no leader. When Alby asks me if I wanted to be second in command to him, I never thought I would have to do anything more than just walk around and smile when Alby was off doing leader things. Or just leading the glade for a day when Alby would run off with Minho. I never thought I would actually have to lead this shucking place. I'm no bloody leader!
I sigh to myself. Guess I'll just have to deal with it tomorrow.

I sat in front of the walls alone right before the walls opened. I've been sitting in this position for over an hour. People were waking up just as the rattling of the walls began. The walls were completely open when people took a place to sit. Even though we should all be working, I'd thought I'd allow it for an hour before I call a gathering to replace the Keeper of the runners and my second in command.
For a good thirty minutes, I thought Minho and Tommy weren't coming back. I thought I would be left alone with Gally. Then, a ray of light shone down on my life as I saw Tommy and Minho walking slowly down the maze walls, and though the doors of the maze. I practically flung myself into Minho's strong arms.
"I thought you weren't coming back!" I said into him. He hugged me back, and for a second I forgot about Tommy.
"I told you, I wasn't gonna die." He said, I laughed. "I need some water, the I'll tell you everything." He started off towards the kitchen when I stopped him. I pointed towards a Glader and said in a commanding voice, "Get two bottles of water, stat!" The guy got up and ran off, and a minute later cane back with two bottles of water. He gave one to Minho and one to Tommy, who were now both sitting on the floor.
While they were drinking, I ordered everyone to get back to work except the Keepers, who would meet me for a gathering in 30 minutes.
"What happened, Minho?" I asked him when he finished drinking.
"So we, me and Alby, got to the griever who we thought to have been dead. Alby got too close and got stung, and the griever got up and ran off. I practically dragged Alby to the walls but it was too late. That's when the walls closed and Thomas came in.
"I ran off and he was smart and tied himself and Alby up in the ivy of the walls, way up high. He ran off after a griever chased him, and he tricked him. Then I pulled him to the cliff and we pulled the same thing and we tricked like 5 grievers into falling off the cliff."
I stared at him, amazed for a second. "Is this true, Tommy?" I asked him. He nodded. "Wow." I whispered quietly.
"Wow is right." Minho said. "We also might have found an exit. We were throwing rocks off the cliff and one just disappeared from sight instead of falling from sight. We threw in the same spot a few times and the same thing happened."
"You're just full of surprises today." I say. He smiles and I smile back.
"Newt!" I hear Gally scream from behind. We all turn towards him. "You guys ready?" I nodded and beckoned Minho and Tommy to follow me.
(A/N: So I realize again I forgot to add a part. So, let's just say that between the time of the gathering and the walls closing, Newt ordered Minho and Tommy along with a few runners to fetch Alby and the get him to the Med-jacks. Enjoy)

After the gathering and the walls were about to close, I asked Minho to come to the pond. I needed to tell him how I felt about him before it was too late. We've had too many close calls. I'm not taking another chance.
It was decided that Tommy would spend one night in the slammer and then start training to be a runner with Minho. It was clear Tommy was runner material, since not one greenie I have ever met could pull off spending a full night in the maze and live to tell the tale. Gally wasn't very happy, but I really didn't care.
I was pacing the grounds, trying to put my words together perfectly. Then I heard the sweet voice of Minho. "Newt?"


I said his name and he turned around towards me. He looked very anxious. So was I. "Hi." He said and smiled. "I just wanted to talk to you about a few things first."
"Yeah." I said and walked to him.
"First I just wanted to see if you wanted to be second in command to me if Alby doesn't wake up." He said.
"Of course, Yeah. I would love to." I say. He nods and looks down at his feet. My heart sped up.
"And I just wanted to tell you something. Something I've been keeping from you." He says quietly. I nod. "I just..." He pauses and looks at me. "I really like you, Minho." That was all I needed to hear. My heart exploded. My legs turned to jelly.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't bare not telling you any longer and-" I cut him off and closed the gap between us. My mouth was in his, just as I had wanted since the moment I got to this place. It felt so right. It felt like I had done this a million times before. And now it was real. Our Love was real. I couldn't hide it any longer.
"I love you Newt." Is all I said before we leaned in for another kiss. Time seemed to slow down. All I cared about was Newt. I get like we were the only two people in this little world we live in.
We pulled apart, and he looked into my eyes. I looked into his. "I really did enjoy that." He said in his cute accent. It really turned me on.
"Me too." I said, and we went off to our hammocks. Or rather, my hammock.


The next morning I wasn't awoken by the sounds of the walls opening but rather someone's screams. Alby's, to be exact. Me and Minho woke up suddenly, then when we realized it was our friend and not some random Glader, we went back to cuddling with each other.
  "Should we slowly tell the other gladers about us?" Minho asked, breaking the sweet silence.
  "I dunno." I said. "Maybe we should tell Alby first, if he ever gets back to normal."
  "Yeah. We should wait a little bit first, though. Make sure he is fully back to normal."
  "Yeah." The screams continue but I bury my head into Minho's bare chest. God, his abs were amazing.
  "Maybe we should get up." He says, trying to get up.
  "No! I like cuddling with you." I say, pulling him back down. He laughs and plays with my hair.
  "Fine, 5 minutes then we have to get up and tell the runners they get a day off so that I can make sure everything is okay with the glade with you. And Alby, of course."
  "Yeah." I say. "I just feel bad for that Tommy kid. Poor greenie has to go through all of this on his first bloody week here."
  "Yeah. But it'll be alright. He gets to be a runner, and no one can say that on their first week. All except me and you but those were different times."
  "Yeah." Is all I say.

  Alby wakes up. Of course he isn't like he once was, but he wasn't that bad ether. He is pretty much back to normal, actually. And now was the part where me and Minho tell him about us
  We decided to meet Alby at the pond to tell him. It was someplace private so that if Alby does approve, we can kiss after and not worry that the entire glade will send grievers after us.
  Me and Minho are sitting in our spot by the pond, Minho's left leg is rubbing up against my right, his hands intertwined with mine. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" I ask him. "What if he doesn't like it?"
  "It'll work." Is all he says. He is nervous too. Whenever he gets nervous like this, he tends to not speak as much, only saying one or two word answers and sentences. "I promise."
  We pull apart once we hear the snapping of twigs in the woods. Alby comes into view and he didn't look to great. He looked exactly what Gally or Ben looked like when they first came out of the changing.
  "Hey guys." He says casually. "You wanted to see me?" We both state at him for a moment, until I get up and break the silence.
  "Yeah, we just wanted to make sure you were doing alright."
  "Yeah, I am, actually. Feeling pretty good." He says. "But that's not what you wanted me here for, I can tell." He points to Minho's face and I see he is looking more anxious then I was.
  "Uhh-" I look back at Alby. I should really just come out and say it, no point in buttering him up. "Me and Minho wanted to ask your permission if-"
  "If you guys could date, I know."I stared at him shocked. I turned to look at Minho and he looked just as surprised as I was. "And it's fine, just make sure not to be too affectionate in public, please. I don't want a turf war around these parts."
  We both nod and Alby heads off, and that leaves me with Minho.

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