update on my life

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Hey guys!!!

I know it's been a hot minute since we last talked lol

I'm officially in Seattle, I'm starting to settle in. It's been really rough, between juggling my stuff to get here, finding a job, schooling and issues I've just had when I moved in with my boyfriend and his family.

I have an interview tomorrow which I'm excited about. Sadly I have to go to a Taylor Swift concert tomorrow night with me my boyfriend... Not really what I want to do, that's $200 gone when the concert I want to see is only $55.

I wanted to keep you all updated since you're like my little online family haha.

I think some of the biggest issues I've had with moving was obviously homesickness, I miss my parents a lot. I'm sure that sounds stupid to some of you but I actually moved two days before I turned 19 (my birthday is May 12)

The vast majority of his family doesn't speak English, and my Mandarin isn't close to fluent and I only know four words in Cantonese which is what his family speaks.

I'm socially awkward when it comes to eating in front of people, and his family eats such large portions so it makes me feel weird, I think I lost a lot of weight really from how little I've been eating due to anxiety but I'm overcoming it slowly. His mom will actually put food in my bowl... I'm like a baby to everyone.

His sister and I get along pretty well, she's actually pretty much the same size as me, my hips and shoulders are a bit wider than her's but let's be honest, most Asian ethnicities tend to be slimmer than Caucasian. It's just bone structure. That doesn't mean there aren't thicker Asian girls and slimmer white girls, just majority wise. Anyways, we share our clothes a lot, makeup, shoes, etc... Everything really. It's really nice to have someone like a friend here since I haven't made a single one yet. (If you in Seattle please lemme know lol)

I've been on a bit of a lazy ish fitness journey. I say lazy ish not because I don't take care of myself but I'm not excessive about it. I don't buy protein shakes and take pills and vitamins etc... 

I go to China this October, I should be there for 2-4 weeks. Not sure exact dates yet.

Anyways I'll try to update when tk can. It's really crazy over here, not to mention we have a family dinner like once a week or we just end up at someone else's house for dinner and I never know until we get there lol. Very late notice hahaha.

Anyways, just wanted to let you guys in on what's up. I hope you all are doing well and had happy mother's days to any of my mom readers! Take care and have a fantastic memorial day and I'll hope to update soon!!!!

Sam M/Z.

XoxoSam M/Z

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