Chapter 1

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I actually have this issue, I used to stutter uncontrollably when I was younger and nervous or anxious or even excited. I've gotten much better at controlling it now.

Nestled away in the cocoon her beige sweater made, her legs pulled up to her chest in the red leather chair in the café, she intently read her book. Her ombré brown hair covered most of her face, bangs shadowing what wasn't and large glasses rested low on her small nose.

Heart shaped, petal pink lips pursed before her teeth caught her bottom lip as she held in her gasp of surprise. Carefully, without removing her eyes from her book, she grasped her gray coffee mug with little bunnies painted on it, bring it to her lips to take a small sip for the delicious vanilla latte.

She closed her book carefully, finishing off her coffee before giving the barista, her dear friend Jisoo, her mug at the counter so she could use it again tomorrow. "See you later tonight? They're doing open mic poetry." Jisoo told her as she washes the large mug. "Maybe." She smiled softly, putting her book into her caramel brown knapsack. "You should read some of your own work, Loli." Jisoo commented.

Loli's face turned from pale white to tomato red, "Oh gosh no! I couldn't ever read that out loud!" She pressed her hands to her face to cool them. "Why not? You've read them to me." Jisoo raised one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows. "That's different, I know you. It's easier..." Loli trailed off, rubbing her arms. "Okay, but one day you should. You write beautifully." Jisoo smiled at her as Loli turned to and walked out the doors.

Pulling her hair over her shoulders to cover her, she pulled her white beanie on, tucking herself into her much too large sweater before briskly walking through the crowded streets. Her white short kept her little of her legs warm in the late morning breeze as her ankle boots stepped lightly onto the cement. Quickly turning the corner around a very large building, Loli collided into a solid object, falling on her bum to the ground. "Ouch.." She mumbled, trying to shake off her disorientation. "Shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" A male voice rang in her ears as she looked up to see a hand outstretched to help her.

Interlocking fingers, the man pulled her up easily. "Are you alright? I'm sorry, seriously I didn't see you." He said again. "Ah, I'm fine. I should've been watching. Mianhae." She bowed respectfully to him before trying moving around him. "Wait! What's your name?" He asked her, catching her sweater in his grip. She looked up at him, his height towering over her almost 5'4 with his 5'10. His hair was shaved except for the top, dark almond shaped eyes, and a straight nose that led to pink lips.

He wore a black t-shirt with black jeans and a red SnapBack turned backwards on his head. "L-Loli... It's Loli." She said softly, her big hazel eyes finally making contact with his much darker ones. "Can we exchange numbers Loli? I feel I owe you." He asked. "D-Don't worry about it. Goodbye!" She said as she pulled away from him, quickly walking away from him and down the street. Sighing, he looked down before noticing her book had been left behind. "Loli! Wait!" He called, grabbing her book and turning in the direction she's gone only to see no sign of her.

"Ah damn." He sighed before looking inside her book. Written in beautiful cursive writing,

Property of Loli
If found, please return this to
Sunset Café
Give to myself or Jisoo unnie please

"Sunset Café huh?" He wondered out loud before walking up the stairs into the AOMG building. "Aye Simon! What took you so long man? We been waiting." Loco called to the older man. "Sorry, had a little accident on the way in. No deal man." Simon told his companion as they took the elevator up. "What's that?" Loco asked, pointing at the book in Simon's hand. "Ah, I ran into some chic. She left her book behind." He told him. "Oh shit, you gonna return it?" Loco asked. "Yeah, says to take it to the Sunset Café." Simon told him.

"I've been there. Nice place." Loco said as they exited the elevator. "I'm heading there after work to give this back to her." Simon tossed the book gently onto his desk. "Cool shit. Anyways, I gotta go work on my tracks. See you round man." Loco gave him a quick wave goodbye before leaving. "Loli, huh?" Simon mused out loud before going to work.


The café was closer than he thought, driving maybe three blocks away before finding it. The place wasn't too big, dark hard wood floors, burnt orange painted walls covered with odd art works and accessories. Antique chairs and tables were scattered and a stage set towards the front of the building. Dim lights were randomly set everywhere while a semi large crowd of people were seated by the stage and others scattered.

Glancing around the room, searching for Loli and coming up empty, Simon made his way to the counter, "Hey, you Jisoo?" "Yeah, why?" A girl around 5'7 spoke, stormy blue eyes narrowed at him. "Loli dropped this, can you give it to her?" He asked, showing her the book in his hands. "I swear, she forgets everything. Thanks." Jisoo sighed, placing the book behind the counter. "So, what's all the commotion about?" Simon asked, looking as more and more people bustled into the joint.

"Open mic night." Jisoo said, drying off a white mug. Simon nodded his head slowly. "I actually signed Loli up to go. Gotta face her stage fright." Jisoo chuckled. "Yeah?" Simon chuckled along with her. "Here she comes actually." Jisoo said, nodding her head to the left. Looking over, he was shocked as he saw her. Her long, slightly curled locks flew behind her, bangs framing her beautiful face, thin brows furrowed and plush lips pursed in anger.

Her tiny form stomped over to them, "You signed me up?" She hissed softly. Her big eyes glowed with distress. "Loli, you wrote beautiful works. Stop being so scared." Jisoo told her gently. "I don't like it!" She stomped her foot like a child. Simon was awestruck at her, she was absolutely beautiful. A goddess.

He slowly took her in fully. Her long lashes surrounded her now mostly green hazel eyes, pale skin with a splash of freckles, kissable lips down to her thin neck, chest covered by her sweater hid most of her thin body except her wide hips that stuck out and slightly thick thighs down her legs to her tiny feet.


"Come on Loli, for me?" Jisoo pouted. Loli hesitated before sighing, "Fine." "Yay!" Jisoo laughed as she went back to cleaning the counters and making caffeinated drinks. "Ah, Jisoo has your book." Simon spoke up, still staring at her. "Wh-what?" She asked, keeping her eyes downwards. "You left it this morning, I came to give it back to you." Simon clarified. "O-oh... Thank you." She whispered softly. "I never gave you my name. It's Ki-seok, but my friends call me Simon." He told her.

"It's nice to meet you Ki-seok." She said softly, tilting her head to look up at him as she gave him a warm smile. His eyes widened as his heart hammered in his chest. She was so tiny compared to him. "Attention everyone!" Someone on the stage spoke into the microphone. "Welcome to open mic night! We've got some returning acts and some new blood! Refills are free tonight! Please enjoy!" The man spoke.

"Up first, we have our one and only shy girl, Loli! Let's give our bookworm a nice warm welcome!" He said and a mixture of snaps and applause went around as Loli went up towards the stage. Her hand came up to shield her eyes for a moment before she fanned herself and awkwardly removed her sweater, revealing her black tank top and is that a tattoo?

"Uhm, hi guys." She squealed shyly as a round of giggles and hello's greeted her back. "Jisoo actually, signed me up, so I don't know what I'm doing..." She fiddled with her fingers. "A poem and a song!" Jisoo's voice screamed as people started to laugh. "O-oh.." Loli shrugged with a meek smile as people clapped for her.

Chapter one done fam

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