Part 10

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"You okay bro?" Jay asked him quietly, carefully. Loli turned to look at him and gasped quietly. His hands were clenched tight, knuckles white, and he was slightly shaking. His eyes were shut tight and his face a bit red as he tried to keep his breathing even. "Ki-s-seok?" Loli whispered. He exhaled heavily before looking at her, his eyes red, "Who's hurting you?" Her eyes were wide before she looked away from him. "Loli, don't fucking make me ask you twice." He demanded and she flinched at how venomous he sounded.

"D-d-don't worry..." She put her hand over his fist, leaning into his flexed arm, "Wh-when I'm w-w-with y-you, I'm s-safe..." She nuzzles her head into his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him.

End of recap:

Slowly, his body began to un-tense. Loli rubbed his arms soothingly, his breathing evening out. "Loli, you need to tell us this stuff. If people are hurting you, it's going to cause unnecessary worry for Simon." Loco told her softly. "L-look, I c-can h-handle it. I've dealt w-with it m-my whole l-l-life." She told him a bit firmly. Loco looked at her slightly shocked and concerned, "Dealt with what?" "C-Clearly I'm foreign. N-Not m-m-many p-people were v-very accepting o-of that." Loli sighed, curling in on herself.

She was pulled off her seat and in Simon's lap quite quickly, taking her off guard as she shrieked a bit. He held her tightly in his arms, her legs dangling from his lap, his much larger form swallowing her's up. "It doesn't matter that you aren't Korean, you're still my jagiya. That won't change." Simon whispered into her neck. "H-how are y-y-your f-fans gonna feel I-if they h-hear...?" She wondered softly out loud, but only loud enough for herself to hear.

She tried to move off of him but Simon held her tightly to him, unwilling to let her go. "Stay right here. Please." He quietly begged her as the room began to fill with people. Some of whom she knew and some she didn't. "Aye yo Simon D." An older man smiled at him before taking in the girl sitting on his lap, "Who she? Flavor of the week?" A couple of the guys that came in chuckled at his comment. Loli squirmed, her eyes prickling with tears a bit as she tried to get off of Simon but he dug his fingers into her hips, holding her to him.

She whimpered lightly as his nails scraped into her skin through her clothes. "She's my jagiya." He said, a bit menacingly. "Oh shit, I didn't know man." He held his hands up in a friendly gesture. "Everyone can tell that." Jay snickered and motioned to her neck area. "Damn man, you really did a number on her." Another guy chuckled. Loli blushed as she pulled her hair to cover her up but Simon snatched her hair gently, tossing it to one side, "I know." He smiled toothily.

"I'm Min-Taek." A guy, Elo, came near her, smiling gently as he held his hand out for her. She stared at it for a moment, shaking a little bit before placing her dainty, pale hand in his and lightly shaking them, "L-Loli..." "So you're dating Simon, huh?" He asked, siting in a chair directly across from her. "Mhmm!" She nodded, her hair flipping a bit. "Make him happy, okay? And if he hurts you, we'll knock some sense into him." He smiled at her like an adult would a child and she grinned back, "O-Okie Min-Taek-o-oppa!" "Well, it's lunch break and I'm hungry so..." Loco said next to her before getting his food from the lounge fridge.

"A-are you h-h-hungry..?" Loli whispered to Simon. "Always." He hissed, kissing the back of her neck as she eep'ed, pulling the back of her sweater over her neck tightly before reaching down to grab the bag with his lunch she had packed for him. "H-here." She said, turning in his laps so she could give him his food. "My hands are busy, feed me?" He gave her an aygeo face, pouting out his lower lip. "Grr... F-fine..." She pouted as she brought the chopsticks up to his lips, noodles wrapped around them. "Awwe." Loco cooed next to them as Simon ate, smiling happily down at the girl in his arms. Loli's phone buzzed as she set the food down, "I-I gotta g-go t-t-take this..." She said softly as Simon let her stand up, watching her walk to the door as she answered her cell phone quietly, "Annyeonghaseyo!"

"She really makes you happy, huh?" Loco asked from beside him. "You've got no idea." Simon whispered. "I like her." Elo butted in. "She seems like a good kid." Cha Cha said in agreement. "She's amazing." Simon said, watching her talk from the doorway. She glanced over his way, giggling quietly, only to turn away quickly and blush as she saw him staring at her. Simon smiled at her shy behavior, his eyes taking her in.

"She's young though." Loco suddenly turned very serious. "Yeah... She's twenty..." Simon sighed, running a hard through his hair. "She really is a kid." Cha Cha said quietly. "Yeah." Simon lowered his head. "She's good for you." Loco patted him on the back, "She really is man."

You're welcome zicoya this chapter is for you

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