Spies and...mines?

Start from the beginning

I came over by Gimli and sat down as he offered me some food. I declined, as elves were very energy efficient and didn't need to eat as much as others. I rested for about 20 seconds before I heard Legolas cry out. "Cerbian from Dunland! Hide!" Oh no. I looked around frantically, grabbed my bow and arrows and slid under a bush. I listened to them fly over us, screeching and flapping their wings.
They passed in a matter of seconds, so I climbed out and looked around. I turned to Gandalf when I heard him "Spies of Saruman!" He cried. "We are being watched! We must take the mountain pass!" He pointed to a mountain in the distance that was covered in snow, and I shivered. I hated snow. Hated it so much. But we had to go that way.

{~~Hours Later~~}

We walked with our cloaks pulled tightly against us as we leaned into the wind, trying to stay upright. Legolas and I were the only ones who could walk on top of the snow, so we were ahead of everybody else. He was behind me, watching my back carefully in case something were to happen. I found that sweet. I turned and looked back at the Hobbits, in time to see Frodo slip and fall. He was alright, but he felt around his shirt to find the ring missing. He looked up at Boromir, to find it in his hands.

"It is funny, how we are all so troubled by such a small thing!" Boromir said, twirling the chain in his hand and touching the ring, seeming as if he were in a trance. "Boromir!" Aragorn warned him. "Give the ring to Frodo!" Boromir shook his head slightly as he dropped the chain into Frodo's outstretched hand. "Take it! I care not." He ruffled Frodo's hair and began to walk again.

I turned back and began walking as well, but I heard a loud cracking sound above me. I looked at the sky to see a bolt of lighting hit the snow pile above us. I watched on, terrified to see the huge pile drop down on us. I suddenly felt someone pull the back of my cloak towards them, closer to the edge of the mountain. Than we were buried in snow.

It was black under the snow and very hard to breathe. I kicked my legs and worked my arms, trying to break the surface. I heard voices and knew I was close, but it wasn't enough. I than felt someone's arms under mine and pulled me up out of the cold, cold snow. I looked to see who it was, Legolas. I would have blushed if my face hadn't been so numb. "Thank you." "My pleasure." He replied. I looked at Gandalf, who was brushing snow out of his beard. I called out to him. "Gandalf! We must turn back!" "No! There is no other way!" At that time, Gimli decided to add his thoughts. "We could go through the mines of Moria! I have relatives there who would would give us a royal welcome!" Gandalf obviously disagreed but instead gave the choice to Frodo. We all turned to the little Hobbit who finally made his decision. "We will go through the mines."


I carefully stepped over some rocks that were loose on the ground, and turned to check on the pony behind me.

We were advancing on the entrance of these mines, but in front of the door was a huge lake with rocks all around it. I was worried about Bill, the hobbit's pony. He might slip and hurt himself, and I wondered what that would do to Sam.

Gandalf had stopped walking and was now staring at a stone door carved into the rock that had blue markings in it. The markings read an elvish riddle that Gandalf read out loud. "What does it mean?" Boromir asked aloud. "Well it's easy." was Gandalf's reply. "If you are a friend, speak the password and you shall enter!" Great. That left....every single word in elvish. Figuring we would be here a long time, I sighed and plunked down on a boulder, where I could see Merry and Pippin and hear Gandalf trying to figure out the password.

I pulled out one of my short swords to sharpen it with a decent-looking stone, when I heard small splashing sounds in the lake. I looked up quickly to see Pippin throwing rocks in the water. I wasn't sure how great of an idea that was, but before I could do anything, Aragorn, who had just sent Bill back to the Shire despite a sniffling Sam, came over to Pippin and pulled him away. "Best not disturb the waters, Master Hobbit." He simply explained. Pippin dropped the rest of the stones he was holding obediently.

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