"Dan stop harassing Phil." Ellie said and he removed his hands but wrapped one of his arms around Phil's shoulders. They had become more open to acting cuddly ever since they decided their parents probably knew they were together, it was a lot more comfortable. "Now what do you want to eat for breakfast sweetheart?" she asked.

"Er..." Phil thought.

"Pancakes? Waffles? Pastry kind of things?" Ellie prompted.

"I used to have a favourite breakfast when I was younger which was-" Phil started before Oli cut him off.

"American pancakes with bacon and maple syrup," Oli finished for him and Phil grinned at him.

"Okay. Sit down at the table boys while I sort out breakfast. Tim should be down soon, he insisted on having a shower." Ellie explained as they sat down, both Oli and Dan having a mini fight over who got to sit beside Phil before he moved to the head of the table to they could both sit next to him.

"You guys are so possessive," Phil giggled once they had finally stopped shoving and sat down and they both grabbed onto one of Phil's hands at his words before laughing loudly.

"Phil if you're not careful one of them will probably eat you and I will not allow that when I am making such a great breakfast so no filling up on human before hand." Ellie said sternly and all the boys giggled. "So where are you taking Phil today?" Ellie asked.

"It's a secret," Dan said and Ellie nodded in understanding.

"Oli be a dear and whisper it in my ear?" Ellie asked and Oli got up and walked over to her, bending down a little due to his height (he had grown a lot in the past few months away from Phil) and whispered something Phil couldn't make out but the way Ellie's face shone must have meant it was a good idea. "Okay this is going to be a great birthday Phil," Ellie told him and Phil smiled at her.

"It already is."


Tim came down when Ellie started to fry up pancakes and ruffled Phil's hair.

"Happy birthday Phil. Did Ellie say the wizard thing? She was planning it all last night," he asked and Ellie went beetroot and hid here face with her fringe as she cooked. He then ruffled Dan's hair which earnt him protests and then Oli's- though there wasn't much to ruffle really. (He didn't dare ruffle Ellie's, everyone knew his hand would probably be bitten off, and as she said, no filling up on human.)

"We're doing presents after food aren't we dear?" Tim asked Ellie after a few minutes of chatting and joking with the boys.

"Yeah, as maple syrup presents doesn't sound as tasty," Ellie nodded as her pancakes began churning out.

"You guys didn't need to get me anything-" Phil started and Dan held a finger over his lips.

"I know it's your birthday but shut up," Dan said and Oli nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, shut up Phil." he said, his lips quirking into a small smile. He had obviously missed saying that to his face.

"Pancake time!" Ellie called as she started serving up onto plates.

"Ellie do we have any bananas for Oli?" Phil asked.

"If you look over there-" Ellie said pointing. "There is a thing called a fruit bowl. On top are bananas. But why does Oli need one?" she asked.

"He doesn't need one-"

"Potassium," Oli cut in.

"Okay for potassium but it's just because it tastes really good with this breakfast,"

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