chapter 27

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Phil sat in the silent art room, tapping his pencil against his lip as he thought. No one else was in the room apart from his teacher who was doing work on his laptop, nothing other than if Phil wasn't there. He now did his art lessons when his teacher had a free period so he was away from the other students, which was actually great as it meant he could use any supplies he wanted as no one else was hogging it or ruining it for no reason.

He had been given the exam paper by his art teacher and he had been reading through the questions, deciding on one to base his idea around. Some of the questions were a little stupid, like the first one was 'sandwiches' and then the eighth one was 'dentistry' and supprisingly those didn't really take to his interests.

He quite liked the sound of 'chrome', he might make it a joke and do about his internet usage instead of mirrors and stuff, but then he also liked the sound of 'spill, drop or break'. He would have a lot of fun if he could just throw paint at a canvas and get an A* for it, even if more of his mark was coursework. But there was so much he could do for it.

Of course he didn't have to come up for an idea for it yet, he had the half term which was in a weeks time to give it proper thought (the teachers had done the timing of giving the students the exam paper to give them more time to come up with ideas and start on the coursework, which was one of the good things Phil thought about his school) about what a good solid idea would be.

Spill, drop or break. This is art, so go deep. Or play word association games.

Spill-pour-paint-brush-hair-dye-ginger-cats... that was going nowhere.

Drop-smash-plate-food-sandwiches-wait... Not that either.


A broken person! Perfect! Now what or who could he link that to?

He almost laughed out loud and his teacher looked up.

"Okay Phil?" he asked and Phil nodded, giving him a smile before he grabbed some paper and started mindmapping it out, but as more of a list.

He wrote the words 'spill, drop or break' in the centre of the bubble that was at the top of the page and then instantly did an arrow with the words 'broken person'.

He tapped his pencil against his lips before he dug his phone and headphones out of his bag and plugged them in, slotting the buds into his ears before switching it onto shuffle, letting the music kick-start his brain into action.

If he was doing a broken person, could he relate how he had felt when everything he had had gone wrong? Like when he woke up alone after Dan had left him, the times he had gotten beaten up? He shivered at the memories, trying to shut them out.

Maybe if he put it down on paper, he would relieve some of the stress he had felt, and it would help him slowly get over them. Make art his own version of therapy. Not that he didn't already do that.

The problem was if he was able to or not, he didn't want a project that would make him feel like that again as it constantly reminded it of him. But then it depended what he did for the project.

First he should decide if he should use pencil or paint for his project. He liked pencil, but maybe it would be more dramatic if he used paint?

Coming up with ideas was kinda hard.


After a few minutes he just ended up writing down a string of words he might be able to get an idea off.

People seemed to forget that ideas happen more randomly then if you plan them, and sometimes it makes it hard to do anything worthwhile until the right one has hit you.

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