17.3| A Hidden Truth

Start from the beginning

"I was attacked," she said through clenched teeth. "In the middle of the night."

"By whom?"

Yoko's voice caught in her throat as the memory of last night flashed before her head: the figure of a girl shrouded in the semi-darkness, holding aloft a knife tinged with blood. "... Jul. It was Jul."

A quietness rested over them. The princess quickly shook her head. "—But it wasn't her fault. I know Jul. We've been together for years. She would never do that. That wasn't her... Something was wrong with her. With the way she looked. She seemed... different."

"Different?" Noct said aloud from the other side of the room, sounding confused. When both Chell and Yoko turned to look at him, he seemed to realize that he had suddenly joined in the conversation. He rubbed his neck nervously. "Ah, sorry, princess... That was rude of me."

"No, it's alright." Yoko dismissed him with a shake of the head. "... And... yes. Different. The light in her eyes—it was like she was in a daze. As if she was seeing something that wasn't there. When I screamed, it was like she had just woken up and realized what she did. It was as if someone... someone else was—"

"Controlling her," Chell finished.

Yoko looked at The Snow Witch. It was an idea that she did not want to acknowledge. Yet, that was the only way to explain what had happened. Very slowly, she nodded.

"So you are saying..." Noct murmured quietly, "That Jul was being controlled by a witch."

"... Yes."

Both of them turned to look at Chell, who bore no reaction to what she had just heard. The Snow Witch continued to sit there with without any sign of discomfort or alarm. This alone made Yoko sure of her conviction. Just as she was about to say something, Noct interjected first. "No. It's impossible for the little miss to be the culprit. I was there with her the moment you were attacked. We were speaking to each other. If she had been casting a spell, I would have known."

Yoko smiled weakly. "No. You don't need to worry. From the start, I did not suspect you two. Why would I allowed myself to talk with you here in private if I thought there was a chance that you would finish the deed? I know the rumors from Uldard were false. I also know that Chell is not someone who would wish to involve herself within politics and power. And besides, she is a Vitte... Please, rest assured."

She looked again at Chell in the eyes and nodded. Chell made a small nod as well.

"So that means..." Noct trailed off, his tone implying that he did not want to be the one to finish the thought.

"... There's another witch... a powerful one... who wishes you... dead," The Snow Witch continued, every sentence seeming to bear a heavy weight.

Yoko inhaled. "Yes."

"But why?" Noct asked.

"My uncle," Yoko breathed out quietly, certainly. "Basil. I am sure it's because of him. He's been wanting to become the next king, yearning for the throne since the night my mother died. Since I am next in line and he is second, he only needs to eliminate me. My father... he has been growing weaker by the day from a sickness. He cannot even get out of bed anymore. It won't be long now before he leaves this world. Basil wants the throne to himself, he's been planning behind my back. Half of the Council already supports him."

"Hold up. So this... is like some kind of royal feud?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"... Oh."

The Wandering Witch VOL. 2 - The Witchfolk Genocide ArcWhere stories live. Discover now