I putted on my WWE jacket and went out

"Come on"He told me

"How am I going to tell them that the wedding is off.They were happy"I said resting my head on his chest

"Don't worry about it,it wasn't your fault"he said as he opened the door to his locker room"They want you happy and they were happy because you were happy"and I nodded.

"Oh he-...What is she doing here"

"Nice to see you too Jonathan"I said.

"Don't worry about him,just sit here and calm yourself down"he whispered

"How can I calm down,he hates my guts and I have know idea why"I whispered back

"You know I can hear you right" Jon said and I stayed silent

"Jon stop it she doesn't need you right now after what happened" Joe told him

"Oh did G-eazy leave you"Jon said in a baby tone and I got up slapping him

"Son of a bitch"I said and left

"That bitch."I heard Jon

"I told you to leave her alone"Joe said

"Feisty"Jon said and I ran back to them

"You want feisty.I show you feisty"I said and was going to punch him but Joe put me on his shoulder and started walking while Jon was behind us laughing

"Leave me alone Joe"I said

"Emii what the hell happened I heard you screaming"Mum said

"She will tell you right after the match.Right Emii"Joe said and I nodded

Than we went to the gorilla 

"From Cincinnati Ohio,weight 225 pounds Dean Ambrose"JoJo said and the crowed was going wild. He started jumping up and down to warm up

"See you out there"Joe said and I gave him a weak smile

"And his opponent from Pensacola Florida weight 265 pounds,Roman Reigns"JoJo said and Roman went out and did his entrance

"Introducing the special guest referee the General Manager both of Raw and SmackDown Princess Emii"JoJo said

I went in the ring looking at Roman and at Dean with a smirk. I told them to ring the bell to start the match and they did.

They locked their hands but Roman escaped and grabbed Dean from the waist and kicked him in the stomach.Dean got up and dragged Roman in the corner and started kicking him.He went down holding his stomach

"One,two,three, four"I started counting and Dean stopped.

Then Dean dragged Roman to the middle and pinned him"1-"and Roman kicked out.He got up slowly and Dean bounced to the rope and was going to close line him but instead Roman closed line him and Roman went for the pin

"One,two-"I counted but Dean kicked out and Roman looked at me

Dean got up and pushed Roman to the rope as he came back Dean gave him multiples of drop kicks.Then as Roman was flat on the met Dean went up on the rope and gave him an elbow drop.Dean instantly went for the pin

"One,Two,th-"I said

"Oh come on that was 3"Dean said and got up and yelled in my face

"You don't yell in my face"I said

"That was three"Dean said

"I am the referee"I yelled his face

"Oh but you are a stupid one"he said and I ended up slapping him and the crowed cheered. Then he gave me those crazy eyes and in a second he gave me the dirty deeds

No one POV

"Oh my he insulted his boss"JBL

But Dean wanted this more then anything and he was willing to destroy his brother.But Roman grabbed Dean by the hair and slammed him to the mat but then Dean gave a close line to Roman and then he noticed that Emii is down.He went near her and started shaking her to wake up

"Wake up "Dean yelled and Emii slowly woke up.

"You are going to pay for this Ambrose"She said

Dean went on top of the rope and gave him a dropkick then a bulldog and then a dirty deeds

Emii stated count and Dean got the victory

"Here is your winner by pinfall Dean Ambrose"JoJo said and Dean was walking happy

Emily POV

Dean was walking the ramp but I called him

"Dean..."I called."Congratulation on your win"I said breathing because that son of a bitch really hurt me "You go what you wanted you got the title match"And Dean laughed "You hurt me Ambrose and for that you are going to pay.If your brother Roman Reigns help you, you are disqualified"And his smile turned into an evil look"And another thing your match is a street fight"I said holding my ribs and went out of the ring and walked passed him and went backstage

I arrived backstage and I found mum and dad waiting for me but as I made another step I fell down to my knees  

"Mily"Dad said and I started throwing up blood

"Oh my,Emily baby what's wrong" Stephanie said panicking but I continued throwing up.Once I stopped mum and dad woke me up slowly

"Baby tell us what's wrong"Paul said

"I don't know daddy"I said and then started throwing up again"What is happening to me"I cried and as I stopped I saw everything black

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