He Wasn't That Bad

Start from the beginning

"G-got it,dude! Now,let me go!"

Kyoudai let him go. Leon fixed his looks and gave a teasing grin to Kyoudai.

"I won't take your girl,Mondo. She's all yours"

Kyoudai's face went red and he started shouting at Leon,"S-SHUT THE FUCK UP,PUNK!"

I was about to tell Kyoudai off when a clap from Ms.Yukizome was heard.

"Alright kids,that's enough. You two,keep on fighting and you'll be in my 'rotten oranges' list. We wouldn't want that now,would we?" Ms.Yukizome gave a smile but her smile was a meaningful one. She was holding the knife that she always took out whenever she was angry. We all know about what would happen to us if we were one of the 'rotten oranges'. Even Togami was afraid.

"Y-yes! Sorry,Ms.Yukizome!" Both Kyoudai and Leon said.

"That's better. Alright,listen up kids! Since it's already 5 pm,take your time and explore the island! Today will be a free day. Take some rest. We'll start our activities tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. If you're late,well...you know the consequences. Have fun!"

She then went off to the other side of the island,probably to where the upperclassmen were. We all scattered around with our partners to our rooms,carrying our luggage. The rooms were not far,but also not too close from each other so the gap between us were pretty big.

When we were done unpacking,me and Kyoudai decided to just lay down. We have just arrived at the island so we were tired. We talked until someone knocked at our door. I stood up to see who it was. When i opened the door,i saw the unfamiliar pink haired boy who had teeth like shark,Kazuichi.

"Hey,watcha' guys doin'?" He asked while glancing at Kyoudai who didn't seem to care about Kazuichi's visit.

"We were just resting. Do you need anything?"

"Nah,i was just checkin' on you guys. I wanted to talk a bit,too. Got nothin' better to do anyway" Kazuichi shrugged.

"Okay then,come on in"

After he came in,he sat on the edge of my bed,patting on the empty space,signaling me to sit down,so i did. Kyoudai sat up on his bed too.

"Right,i wanna talk about Chi"

Then i remembered about what happened earlier today. I still didn't know the story about how Kazuichi managed to find her.

"How did you find her?"

"Well...uh.." Kazuichi was fiddling his fingers.

"He didn't" Kyoudai gruffly said.

"I found her in an alley. Some random guy tried to molest her but i punched his fucking face before he can touch Fujisaki"

Thank goodness Kyoudai was there. If it wasn't for him,Chihiro would be kidnapped and raped by now.

"Anyway,what did you want to talk about,Kazuichi?"

"Since we're already here,what if we go and take a look around? Maybe we'll find something that can help us on our mission"

"Good idea. Kyoudai?"

"Sure,why not? It's not like i got anythin' better to do"

The three of us spent the night together,searching for anything that can help us out. I hope Chi will be alright without us.

Chihiro's POV

I went to my room with Leon. It was awkward since he still thinks that i'm a girl. Once we finished unpacking,i looked at my watch. It was already 7 pm. We already ate on our way here and i wasn't really hungry so i decided to just stay in my room and do some programming. After a few minutes,i heard a thud coming from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Leon just lying down,staring at the ceiling.

"What's up,Chihiro? Something wrong?" Leon asked while still looking at the ceiling. I was suprised that he knew i was watching him.

"N-n-nothing..! I-i'm sorry..maybe i should just.."

"Don't be. I was just asking"


And there it was. The awkward silence was filling the air yet again. I actually didn't like the atmosphere but i had no courage to try and talk to him.

"Hey,Chihiro. Are you afraid of me or something?"


"That's why. You're very shy and you stuttered when you talk to me"

I must have offended him somehow. I felt really guilty for doing that but i can't help it,it's who i am. I was speechless so i kept quiet.

"Uh..i may look like a womanizer punk,but i'm not. I'm not going to touch you,hurt you,or peek at you when you're in the bathroom. I still have my morals,you know. Besides,if i did all of those stuff, i'm sure Mondo would beat the shit outta' me"

Well,that's true. Oowada-san did threaten him earlier at the receptionist table.

"How about this. I'll let you in on my deepest secret of all. Maybe if i do that,you'll finally believe me. You can even use it against me whenever i act like a douchebag to you"

That would somehow be very handy,but it was his deepest secret. Is it alright for him to say that to me?

"But it's your deepest secret...Why would you tell me out of everyone else..?"

"Well...i don't know. Maybe it's because of your cuteness or something. I feel secure when i'm with you. Like i know that you won't judge me and accept me for who i really am. I know you wouldn't ever tell my secret to anyone else too. It's a win win solution for us. You can finally trust me and we become friends, while i have someone who knows how terrible i am but still stays by my side"

I was taken aback from what Leon said. Is this person really Leon Kuwata? The Leon i know would never get this deep.

"Ah,shit. I got too deep,huh. Oh well. How's it gonna be,Chihiro? I might even tell you some personal data of mine since we're gonna be roommates for three weeks"

Maybe it was a good idea. I can learn more about Leon,plus i can make a new friend.

"Okay then.."

"First up,my deepest secret. Please don't judge me.."

"I won't,Leon.." i giggled a bit. He was kind of cute acting this way. I prefer this side of Leon than the usual one.

"So...uh...i'm gay"


"I-Is it that weird?!"

"N-no! It's just that i didn't expect those kind of words coming from you,since...you know"

"I act that way just so everyone can believe that i'm straight. I actually have no interest in girls. Don't take it personally,Chihiro. I like you"

"It's fine..thanks,Leon"

We then kept talking and talking about a lot of stuff. I just found out about Leon's dream on becoming an artist but i also found out that his singing was horrible. I found out his past,hobbies,and everything else. It was actually fun. This conversation made my thoughts about Leon change 180 degrees. He was actually a really nice person. I think i can trust him with my secret in the future.

"Hey,Chihiro. How about we go and walk around the island? I'm kinda starving so maybe we should buy some food too" Leon said while picking up his wallet and digital notebook

"Sure. Let's go!"

I put in everything i need,including a small medicine box in case of emergencies,into my tiny bag and went to follow Leon outside. I wonder how Oowada-san is doing..

A/N: Forgive me! I think this chapter is kinda boring but i'm trying my best! I'm still having my final exams so i couldn't fully concentrate on writing this story. Don't worry though,i'll try to update it on a daily basis. Thanks for reading!

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