Chapter 1

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Dedicated to @EricCruisoe for editing this chapter and the many more to come!


"He was in my way." Genevieve Larsen replied the officer's question in a monotone.

Officer Bard sighed. "You don't hit people because they are in your way, Genevieve."

Genevieve glanced at the badly bruised Taylor Wood whimpering on the hospital bed across hers and smirked. He so deserved it.

"He was annoying me, Uncle Gary." Genevieve said to her mother's brother, in a bored tone.

Gary Bard sighed again. This time it was bordering on impatience. "I will not ask you again. Tell me what happened."

Uncle Gary's stern voice caught Genevieve's attention and she rolled her eyes. "He was constantly pestering me out on a date so I hit him."

"You did not just hit him, honey. He has a broken nose and a swollen eye. You do not always beat up people whenever you're irritated." Gary was frustrated. He tried his best to not send his only neice behind the bars, however she kept on making it harder for him. He wondered how was he going to convince the Wood family to drop the case.

Genevieve fiddled with the white hospital sheet as she wished for this ordeal to be over. It was not her fault that Taylor followed her all around the school trying to flirt with her, even after she clearly sent out her no. Apparently, he was successful in wooing all the girls in the school apart from her. He should have known better. There was a reason nobody had attempted to woo her; they were terrified of her. She winced as she ran her good hand over her bruised knuckles. Thankfully, he didn't fight back, so she ended up with only a bad set of knuckles. But it was so worth it.

The player finally got played.

She felt Uncle Gary gently brush her hair as he stood up and put on his hat.

"Take care, Genevieve." He said and walked over to Taylor.

Just as she was getting down her bed, a hysterical Mrs.Wood pointed a finger at her from across the room and wailed- "How can you let that criminal go away freely?"

Genevieve raised a brow at her. Uncle Gary's face was set in a hard line.

"She has been punished, Mrs.Wood."

"What kind of punishment?" She asked.

"Community service."

"WHAT?!"  She snapped her head to face her dear uncle, but the look on his face was begging her to counter him.

Genevieve sighed irritably.

"That isn't enough punishment, Officer. I want a restraining order." She stated firmly.

"No way!" She yelled, but no one was listening to her.

"Sure thing, Ma'am-" Genevieve cut off Uncle Gary as she stormed to Taylor's bedside and grabbed him by the collar.

"Tell them what you did, you bastard! Tell them!"  Gen was not a sadist but the fear she saw in his green eyes was calming to her soul.

He choked and heaved pathetically as he answered. "I-I tried to kiss her. Even after she said no."

Genevieve pushed him back onto the bed, causing him to moan in pain.

"See!" She withered in anger. "If was self-defense!" 

However, Mrs. Wood was a persistent woman. She opened her trashcan to defend her disgusting son when Gen added-"Why don't you tell them about Amy, huh? I've heard she's doing therapy because of you!" She spat at him and stormed out of the room.

The hell if Genevieve was doing community service.

She glanced at her wrist watch and decided that she could still make to the last class of the day and her second favorite-math. Besides, she wasn't ready to face her uncle just yet.

Genevieve stopped when she came across a large mirror on the hospital wall. It was unclear as to what the purpose of the mirror here was, but she couldn't help her eyes from wandering.

Genevieve's usually straight black hair was slightly disheveled as it tickled her shoulders. Her blue eyes were adorned with dark bags underneath, and her all-black attire made her pale skin stand out all the more. Anymore paler and she would look like a ghost. She preferred beast, though.

She was the splitting image of her late mother.

She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart before tearing her eyes away from the unappealing sight.

She decided to leave her phone and bag in her uncle's cruiser as all the necessary books were in her locker. Genevieve walked to her school in no time and easily navigated her way to her locker in the empty hallway. 

There were still five minutes left for the present classes to get dismissed, so she grabbed the two books she would need and a pen. She walked over to her class and leaned her back on the wall next to the door. She could just walk in, like she did in every class, but she didn't want to get thrown out of math class. It was the only thing bearable to her mind.  

The sudden sound of the shrill bell startled her, causing her to drop her things on the floor.

She cursed like a sailor.

Before she could even bend forward, a large hand beat her to it and picked up all her belongings. He placed those things carefully in her left hand, noticing the bandage on her right.

"Thanks." She gave him a slight nod and turned around to enter the emptying classroom.

"Wait." He called out.

Genevieve turned around.  "What." She blinked at him.

"I'm Aiden-" He said in his raspy voice.

"I don't care." She cut him out.

"Well you should, cause I'm your partner in the Chemistry assignment due next week." He continued without missing a beat.

"Are you?" She narrowed his eyes at him. Of course, he was. She remembered her douche of a chemistry teacher telling them about it this morning.

She hated Chemistry.

"Yes. We couldn't discuss after class since you, well, left." He pulled his bag up higher on his broad shoulder as he recalled the rumors currently circling around Taylor Wood.

"I did." She confirmed, looking up at him.

He sighed when she said no further. "So...?"

Genevieve could feel her irritation rising. "Dude, you're wasting my time."

Aiden started getting bothered by her attitude. No wonder she had no friends.

"We have to meet somewhere to discuss our assignment." He slowly explained to her as if she were a little child.

Genevieve scowled at his tone. "Alright then. Let's meet at the school library after school. One hour. Don't be late." She snapped and finally entered the classroom.

Aiden was taken aback by her rudeness. He ran a hand through his golden hair as he watched her settle down on the front seat with her legs on the desk.

He sighed as he turned around to head to his English class. He started getting anxious about his assignment now.

He couldn't jeopardize his grade. Not for some little grunge girl with an attitude.


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