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"Mom I just can't do it anymore!" Arianna screamed from the top of her lungs. "I can't be treated like shit at school and, then come home to you cheating on my father with some man whore who's like what.. 50?!" She cried pleading her mom to understand. Tears streamed down her face leaving streaks of black mascara left behind.
"Arianna, I'm sorry! I don't love your father anymore... it's not my fault!" her mom explained.
"ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! Why don't you just go get a fucking divorce, run off with that man and leave me and papa begins instead of repetitively cheating on him and then coming home drunk as, fuck and making me cover for you?!" She said stunned by her own words.
"Ari-" said her mom being cut off.
    "Don't call me that," she said exiting the room. She went upstairs and, collected items she used on the daily. Barely anything was clear in her life right now but the, only thing she knew that was crystal clear was that she needed to get away. Being 18 she could legally leave the country so, she got onto her laptop and, booked a plane ticket for Venice, Italy for 2 am which was about the time she could arrive at the airport. She tucked the laptop in her bag along with clothes and left her room. Her mother was on the couch already passed out from whatever she had been on before there fight erupted and, without further ado, Arianna stepped out of her house that could never be considered a home and, she stepped out of her mother's life. Stepped out of the drama. She got into the car her dad had bought for her and drove to the airport which would take her on a unforgettable journey.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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