The talk with the vic's family just proved your theory. They confirmed that the house was locked up, and that there were no signs of forced entry. You all even figured out how Annabell's ghost had traveled to the new vic's home. Annabell had attached her spirit to a ring that the vic had bought at a pawnshop for his girlfriend. The ring was on the girlfriends dresser. The only problem now was getting the ring.

      Currently you are all sitting in the vic's house listening to his girlfriend wail and cry. You felt bad for the poor girl, but her non stop obnoxious crying was starting to get off your nerves. You needed to get the ring, so you could burn it.

      "Excuse me, may I use your restroom?" You smiled at the girl.

       "Yes I-its up the stairs f-first door on the left." She said through her nonstop onslaught of tears.

      You nodded and quickly made your way up the stairs bypassing the bathroom completely. You quietly started making your way through each and every room looking for the girls. You finally found it at the end of the hall. You walked in and immediately felt a drop in temperature. You were freezing, and wanted to find the ring fast so you could leave. You made your way to the dresser and started looking for the ring. After a few seconds of searching you found it sitting on top of a jewelry box. It was a lovely ring. It had a deep blue sapphire set in a simple silver band with a small diamond on each side of the stone.

      You picked up the ring to examine it more closely, that's when the lights started to flicker. The room seemed to get colder if that was even possible. You saw the small mirror on the dresser start to frost over.

      "Uh-oh." You whispered before turning around to run. Before you had even take a step you were stopped dead in your tracks by the ghost of Annabell standing right in front of you. She started to flicker, and she tilted her head to the side before you were thrown backwards into the dresser. You hit it hard before falling to the floor in a heap.

      Your head was throbbing as you slowly started to make your way to your knees. As you were trying to get back up Annabell appeared over you. She threw you back against the dresser. With a cold emotionless look she rammed her hand in your chest grabbing hold of your heart. You screamed and started thrashing about trying to get her away from you.

      Just as your vision had started going black, and Annabell was getting ready to rip your heart out the door flew open. Sam and Dean ran into the room shot guns at the ready. There sudden intrusion was enough to get Annabell to release you, and you fell to the ground gasping for breath. As soon as she had stood up Sam and Dean were firing salt rounds at her. As soon as she disappeared Sam ran to your side throwing his shot gun beside you.

     "Y/n are you alright? Can you move? Did you find the ring?" He started questioning as soon as he got to you.

      "What the hell is going on in here?!" The crying girlfriend yelled as she stormed into the room. Dean automatically went up to her and started ushering her out of the room.

      "Y/n speak to me, I need to know if your okay." Sam said completely ignoring the woman yelling at his brother.

         You slowly nodded your head. Sam leaned towards you to try and help you to your feet when you saw the ghost appear right behind him and start making its way to you. Without thinking you quickly grabbed the shot gun Sam had thrown earlier and fired it at her.

        Sam jumped at the sudden move you made. He then turned to look at you. "Thanks." He said. His eyes quickly flew down to your lips, before he placed a quick chaste kiss on your lips. For the brief moment his lips were on yours you lost yourself. His lips were soft and warm, and they felt like heaven against your own.

       After the kiss he helped you to your feet. You were weak partly from the beating the ghost had given you and partly from the small kiss, and could not hold yourself up so Sam supported your weight.

       "Where is the ring? That cranky bitch wont be gone much longer." Dean growled as he approached you two, the girlfriend was no where in sight. You had no idea whether he was talking about the ghost or the girlfriend.

       "Don't get your panties in a twist Dean its right here." You said as you handed him the ring. You could clearly hear the pain in your voice, and you hoped that the brothers had not.

      Dean grabbed the small trash can sitting in the corner, and brought it back over to you and Sam. Sam was just about to pull out his small container of accelerant, when all over you were flung away. Sam and you hit the ground a few feet away from the trashcan, and Dean hit a wall. His head hit it hard and he fell unconscious to the floor. The ring rolling away from him towards the trashcan.

         Annabell had reappeared, and was making her way to the unconscious Dean. Ignoring the pain you took the accelerant from Sam who was laying on the floor next to you and quickly made your way to the can.

      You fell on your knees next to it, grabbed the ring and threw it in. Next you dumped the accelerant on it. You quickly searched your pockets for a lighter. While you were doing this Annabell had reached Dean and was hoisting him up with her hand that was lodged in his chest. You found your lighter and lit it then threw it in the trash can. You watched as the ring and the ghost went up in flames.

       Dean fell back to the floor, and Sam stood up and ran to his brother. "Dean! Hey, Dean!" He yelled as he started to lightly shake Dean who was slowly coming to.

       You watched this whole thing as your vision started to black and you fell next to the smoldering trash can, unconscious.


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