The Bunker

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You left the hospital, not ten minutes after Dean had left you and Sam alone in your room. Twenty minutes later you where stretched out in the back seat of the Impala, on your way to someplace in Kansas. The boys would not tell you exactly where you were going, but at the moment you did not care.

The backseat was just comfy enough for you to fall asleep almost instantly. You were still pretty hurt from your fall, and near death experience, which left you pretty drained. You did not even remember falling asleep, or someone placing a blanket over you.

You had slept for about three hours. It was a long nap, but considering you had only started sleeping about a week ago you were still getting use to the ins and outs of it.

The soft sounds of classic rock and Sam snoring softly in the front seat was what woke you up. You sat up and looked up front at Sam, he looked so peaceful, nothing at all like the tired man you knew. As little as you knew about Sam Winchester you knew this: his life was not easy, and it was taking its toll on him. You desperately wanted to see him look this peaceful all the time, you felt like it's the least he deserved.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Dean's voice. "Glad your awake, we're almost to the bunker."

   Bunker? "What is the bunker?" You asked Dean. You had never heard of this place, and were very curious to know what it was.

Dean looked at his sleeping brother and smiled a bit as he replied. "It's Sammy and I's home. Well as close to it as we are ever gonna get." He sounded a little sad about this, but happy at the same time. This puzzled you a bit, and you were going to ask more questions when Dean spoke up again.

"Home sweet home." He said before reaching over and shoving his brother a bit to wake him. Sam shot straight up, and almost hit his head on the roof of the car. His reaction was funny, and made Dean laugh. You on the other hand did not see what was funny.

"I'm up I'm up!" He said in his sleepy voice. His voice was deep, and laced with sleep, it was the best sound you had ever heard. It was not to rough or harsh, but soft and innocent kinda. It should have sounded weird coming from the moose of a man, but it didn't.

You didn't know why but the thought of the sound of his voice had you stomach doing all sorts of weird stuff. You felt this sort of tugging at you heart. Your heart was never beating just right when Sam was around recently. It would either speed up, or just stop altogether. The feelings you felt were new to you and scared you a bit.

Your thoughts were quickly chased away by your new surroundings. While you were busy thinking about Sam's voice Dean had pulled the Impala in to this huge garage.

   Sam and Dean both got out of the car and headed to the trunk to get their stuff out. You on the other hand stayed put. You were in awe, there where so many gorgeous classic cars around you. All of which were in mint condition. It's obvious you were starting to develop a love for old cars, although you had no clue why.

   "You gonna get out of the car, or are you just gonna sit there and drool." The sound of Deans voice shook you out of your stupor. You slowly made your way out of the Impala, and froze again. The shear size of the garage was now in full view since you were no longer in the car.

Sam started to laugh, which caught your attention. You looked at him with a puzzled look on your face. Again you failed to notice what was so funny. Humans sense of humor is weird. You thought to your self as you continued to look around the garage, occasionally looking back to Sam.

"Looks like we've got another car enthusiast." Sam said though his laughter. You still did not know why he was laughing at you. You had not done anything funny that you knew of. You where just admiring the cars.

Dean came up to you next and smacked your back with a big old grin on his face. "I like her, she has a great taste in cars." Dean then walked towards a door.

"Come on y/n, I'll show you around." Sam said with a big grin on his face. The thought of Sam showing you around made you incredibly happy. You vigorously nodded your head in excitement. Sam laughed again, and opened the door to let you go inside the bunker first.

Your jaw dropped. The first thing you saw upon entering the room, was a platform that had a connecting spiral stair case that led down to a circular room. There was multiple old machines in the room, and you had not the faintest idea how they worked. Right smack in the middle of the room was a big table with an old map lit up on it.

From the platform you could also see the entryway to another room. Although you could not see much of the room, you could see books. Lots of books.

  "Follow me and I'll show you where you will be staying." Sam said as he started descending the stairs.

   "Am I not staying here with you and Dean?" You asked. You did not like the idea of being alone. From your limited experience in the world it was tough. All the requirements that humans must meet just to survive overwhelmed you. You did not think you could do it on your own anymore, at least not yet.

   "What? No, no you are still staying in the bunker. You will just have your own room." Sam said as you both reached the bottom of the stairs.

   "Oh I see." Was all you said, as Sam lead you down a hall that you had not seen before. You walked down the hall passing a few doors.

   "This ones Dean's room." He said pointing to a door on your right. He continued walking till he came to another door. "This one is mine." He said stoping right in front of it. He pointed to his door then turned around to face the door on the other side of the hall. "And this is your room." He said gesturing to the heavy wooden door.

   You stepped forward, and slowly opened the door and walked in. There was a small desk on the far side of the room, and a bed on the wall next to it. The wall the bed was against was brick while the others were sheet rock. There were two door on the other side of the room, one leading to a closet, and the other to a small bathroom.

   The room looked pretty big with the sparse furniture, and lack of color. But it was yours, no matter how dull it was it was yours. The thought made you smile. Walking around you got a better look at your room, your smile never leaving you lips the whole time.

Sam stood quietly in the corner and watched you. The pure joy and excitement on your face did not escape his notice. He wondered why you would be this happy about this plain old room. It was dull and lifeless, and he could not see why you obviously loved it so much.

   "Thank you for the room Sam." You said as you sat down on your bed, testing out its comfort.

   "No problem y/n. I know it's not much, but you are welcome to make it your own. I can get you a rug, or some pictures, a new bed set, anything." He offered you. You loved the idea of getting to decorate your room. And you loved the idea that Sam was going to help. You really wanted to spend time with him.

   "Thank you Sam, that's very kind of you." You thanked him. You sat on the bed for a little longer thinking about how you wanted to decorate your room, before Sam spoke up again.

   "Well let me show you the rest of the place, come on." He said leading you out of your room and back down the hall way.

Over the corse of the next hour and a half Sam gave you the grand tour. He took you to the library, where you planed on spending most of your time reading. He showed you the kitchen, and all its old appliances. Next he took you to the shooting range, and the makeshift gym they had set up.

During the whole tour you found yourself paying more attention to Sam then what he was showing you. You watched as he talked about something he liked, how his eyes would light up, and he would smile. His smile was your favorite thing to see, because every time it appeared so did the little dimples in his cheeks.

Through all the little things you noticed about Sam you failed to notice how he studied you too. You also failed to notice that you were starting to like him, a lot.

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