Chapter 8: Nathaniel Goldsteel.

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          We all stand there for a moment, digesting what we've just heard. So now I have to sneak onto a plantation of one of the most respected men on our island, and steal one of his slaves. 

          "Great," I say, with sarcastic optimism.

          "So you'll help me?" Anne says.

          "Aye, but on a some conditions."

          "Name them," she says. I'm in no mood for shenanigans, so I get straight to the point.

          "I am the captain of this crew. I'm not going to have us fighting over stupid things at crucial moments."

          "Done," she says. "Anything else?"

          "Meet me tomorrow on the west side of the Morgan family home. We will make sure to be just in sight of the house at noon. You should be able to find us."

          "Aye. Almighty then, I think I'll be gettin' to an inn and gettin' some shut eye. Spent most of the night and this morning lookin' for this ratty old place." She looks at mother. "Don't let the boy give directions next time."

          She leaves, and I and mother begin talking. We talk for several hours when we start to hear voices. 

          "Shh!" Mother says.


          "SHH!" I wait in silence before she says in a hushed tone, "Get your sword, and some pistols! People are outside!" I grab the guns, and strap my sword to my side. start loading pistols as the voices get really close. In muffled tones I can hear the conversation.

          "Alright boys, everyone got the torches lite?" They all seem to agree. Mother raises her gun, but I put my hand over it, forcing it down.

          "Wait mother, they are just going to burn it, keep us from coming here. I don't think they have any idea we'er here!" I whisper. They continue outside.

          "Sir, what makes you think he's coming?"

          "Oh, hes a criminal, they always come back to their roots, he will get here, and get the message."

          "What if he's already been here?"

          "Then he will return, and see the same result."

          "Well, what if he-"

          "Private, please shut up and throw the torch." A window bursts, and three or four torches are tossed into the house. "Alright boys, lets pack up and get out of here!" The voices move away as smoke fills the house. 

          "Alright Edward, grab the guns before the fire reaches the--" An explosion interrupts her. "The gun powder!" she finishes.

          "Mother, we have to get out of here now!" The smoke invades my lungs. Its thick and black. I can no longer see where I'm going, so I just kind of flail around trying to find a door, a window, or something.

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