Until Tomorrow

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Alex's P.O.V

Rain began falling as I pulled into the small motel parking lot. Echo's head rested on the window and silent snores escaped his lips.

I sighed and placed my head on the steering wheel. I didn't know what I was thinking, taking him with me. It wasn't like I could protect him.

Thunder cracked and lightning lit up the sky. I heard a whimper from beside me, and Echo was shaking. He was... terrified.

I shook his shoulder and he thrashed out, shaking more.

"Echo, it's ok. Shh, it's ok" I whispered, Trying to wake him.

He wouldn't budge, so I got out of the truck and went over to his side. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him, before picking him up. He got soaked instantly, and his small body shivered as he curled against my chest.

The lady at the desk was giving us a look of adoration. She seemed young, maybe mid thirties. She noticed Echo was asleep before whispering. "The 3rd door on your left. You can pay in the morning." Before turning back to her computer screen.

Echo stretched in my arms while I opened the door and closed it with my foot.

"G'morning sleepy head" I mumbled, laying him on the bed. He just curled into the blanket and laid there. I smiled at his adorable actions and sat on the edge of the bed. He whimpered again as more thunder broke the silence.

I shushed him and began taking off his wet clothes. It was late and I didn't want to go back to the car, so I wrapped him in the blanket and then began stripping myself.

When I got in beside him, his body clung to mine. I could feel him shaking still, so I wrapped my arms around him as he curled against me.

"I'm s-sorry" he whispered, shocking me since I though he was sleeping.

"Why are you sorry?" He paused for a minute, as if he was going to answer wrong.

"Because I've been nothing but trouble" he said, clear as glass. I let out a sigh and turned toward him. "Echo, we talked about this earlier. I wanted to take you so stop apologizing or I'll spank you." I finished, joking

"Mm, ok daddy" I could feel the sarcasm dripping from his words, as if he'd been ok the whole time, but I ignored it and pulled him to my chest.

He began giggling. It was a soft sound, almost like that of a child. "What's so funny" I hummed, looking down at him. "Oh, nothing" he said, giggling some more.

"I'll give you a reason to giggle." I said, placing my hands on his sides. He began squirming as I tickled him, causing the blanket to roll off of his waist. I rolled over so I was on top of him and pinned his hands in place. I used my other one to keep tickling him,

Eventually his giggle stopped, and he realized what position we were in. I could lean down and kiss him. I could do it.

We looked into each other's eyes as my heart sped up. His mouth opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't speak.

So learned down and kissed him. His soft lips met my chapped ones and they moved in sync. Echo let me take the lead, as I held his hands down with more pressure. He opened his mouth and I welcomed the invitation, diving in and tasting him.

I didn't leave a spot untouched. By the time I pulled away his lips were swollen and his eyes were dilated.

I placed my forehead against his and inhaled. For tonight, it was just us.

Who knew what was going to happen tomorrow?


What did you guys think of this chapter? It was pure fluff and I loved writing it.

Started this chapter, I'm going to put the song(s) I listened to while writing. The song I listed to this time was Don't Cry by Jesper Jenset. If you want to listen to it, the video is up top


Void (Boyxboy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora