Lime - Songfic: Simple Girl

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(My gaydar is on fleek and Jon is gay is I say so

"You're like five, why are you drinking wine?" Elara says as I write the first sentence for this fic.)

The perfect taste that leaves your mouth

Maven watches as you take a sip of the crystal glass of wine, your lips getting stained a bloody red. He licks his lip, longing for your touch. He wonders what the skin under your clothes feels like. Paradise? He wants to know. He almost needs to know. 

Instead, he remains seated with his shoulders squared, his eyes only on his brother, and not his brother's wife. Not the future Queen of Norta. Not you. 

The vodka tongue that spits it out

"I think a training session with Maven Calore sounds utterly flavorful." You let out, smiling at the young boy. He only lets out a small smirk, his fingers grazing against his fire bracelet. Cal does the same. 

Elara cocks her eyebrow, her breath leaving her nose in a slow exhale.


You squint at her. 

Fine then, a private training session. 

Violate me, January victim

In his chambers late at night, you sit on his lap, chest against chest as the silk sheets of his bed wrap around your feet. You kiss him seductively, your heads tilting every way, only parting ways for breaths, not breaks. Your tongues battle in a way only passionate lovers can battle. The taste of his lips - his saliva - was the taste of the riches wine to you. 

All my life I've wasted for this

Your hands travel his upper body, feeling his skinny body through his layers of black clothing. The muscles in his neck, vulnerable to your fingertips, twitch from under your grasp. His hands travel your back, touching the bare skin before leaving you with nothing but your undergarments. 

It's your giggles and pleasurable sighs that leave him wanting more. More from you, a girl that only belongs to his brother. More from a girl that now belongs to him.

Violate me, show me your religion

You grab onto his dick through his pants, making him pull back from the kiss. His eyes fill with desire before he pushes you onto the bed, crawling on top of you. Your thighs get pulled on either side of his pelvis as he brings your waist closer to yours, stimulating all of your senses. You grip his back through his coat as he leaves vile kisses on your neck. 

All my time I've waited

"Maven," your breath leaves your mouth in a vulgar moan. He smiles, loving the sound of satisfaction. Loving the fact that he means something to someone. The silent hum in his heart leaves his brain wired on an aphrodisiac. He grabs one of your hands, trailing down it to your fingertips before kissing them lightly with his soft lips. 

He wanted to tell you there.

I love you.

He wanted to tell you before it was too late. But he was nervous, scared of how you'll react. How he'll react.

I need you in the world, my simple girl

You look at Maven with a smile on your face. You don't even take your time addressing Mareena, as she stole your time during the Queenstrial. She's a disgrace. You don't talk to disgraces. 

Your dress is made of metal, drooping to the floor in a constant motion even when you aren't moving. You are the second born child of the Samos house, born to be the queen of Norta, born to be by Cal's side. 

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