chapter 11

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I looked out the hole, and just like I was expecting.

The police were here. "Um Jacob the police are here." "Ok, um I'll just act normal." I opened the door and they just barged through the door, except this one police guy, he was the last one to walk in. I decided to ask him the question. "So have you guys gone to Nicole's house yet?" "Yes we have, we found a skiing mask laying on the porch in front of Nicole's house. That's all we found. We're planning to do some scans of it once we get back to the department." "Who's is this?" One of the police asks, holding up a shirt. "Oh that's Alyssa's shirt, she left it here last time she came." "Do you mind if we take it back to our place, we promise we'll bring it back." "Sure, I don't mind." That's when Jacob tugged my shirt and said, "Can we talk." "Um we'll be right back." We walked to my room and he told me to sit down. I sat down on the bed and he had something in his hand. It was one of Alyssa's necklaces. It was the necklace she always wears, it says "forever buds." I gave her that necklace. "Where did you find it?!" "I found it on the sidewalk, while I was walking to your house." "Um Jacob." "Yeah, I love you and stuff but can I see that necklace for a second." "Yeah sure, wait what did you just say?" "I asked you if I can I see the necklace." "No you didn't, I swear I heard you say I love you." "I did? Well we can talk about our feelings later, right now Alyssa is important." "Alexa, you're blushing." "Um Jacob, you are too." That's when we both smiled at each other. He handed me the necklace, and there was a lock of black hair on it. Alyssa has dark brown hair, so it's not hers. "We have to show this to the officers!" When we walked out, the officers were already gone. They had left a note on the kitchen counter. I grabbed it and it had six words on it. "We found out who it is."

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