chapter 4

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So once summer had started I was so happy! I mean I was a freshman, I couldn't be happier of myself. I was telling all my friends how excited and happy I was when I got a text message, it showed a number I had never seen before. It showed "Hey Alexa, can't believe we're now freshmans!" I responded like this, "Um, who are you?" Just a second later he had responded. "Nathan, Nathan Skies, don't you remember me from 5th grade?" That's when I remembered him, Nathan and I were best friends back then. "OMG, I haven't seen you in like 3 years! How'd you get my number?" "Oh you know, I just asked your friend Anna." "I thought you guys hated each other?" "I found a way for her to not hate me." "That's cool, well why'd you text me?" "Well to congratulate you." "Same to you." "Hey, since we haven't seen each other in a while do you want to do tbh?" "Um sure, you go first." "Okay, well I remember that in 5th grade I use to like you." "Oh really?" "Yeah, I always thought you were really cute." "You're too nice." "Your turn." "Well I sorta liked you too." "Really? Wasn't expecting that." "Your turn." "Tbh your really pretty." "Again Nathan, you're too nice." "Well I try." "Okay, tbh I'm really short and you're really tall." "Umm let me see, tbh I think when the guy is tall and the girl is short that they'd make a cute couple." "Wait, what does that mean?" "Well maybe we'd make a cute couple." What did he just say? Does THE Nathan Skies like me? I mean he said he liked me in 5th grade, but he still does? Wait he could be joking, I mean nobody has liked me since 6th grade, yeah I think he's just kidding around with me, like always. Should I worry? Why do I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach? Do I like Nathan too?

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