"(UNFINISHED)Amy the Pink Brat"

Start from the beginning

Starlight was doing a simple, desert, rainforest, mountain range, and river. Silver being from Mobius was going all out. He drew Green Hill Zone, Press Garden, Jungle Joyride, and Savanah Citadel.

Starlight: "What are those places? I've never seen any places like those."

Silver: "Oh, these are just places on Mobius. I never had the chance to see it for myself, but I'm pretty sure Sonic has."

Starlight: "Wow, looks like Mobius was a really beautiful place."

Silver looked at Silver who appeared to be sad as he looked at his drawings.

Starlight: "I'm sorry you didn't get to see all of it."

Silver:*sigh* "It's okay. But uh...I was w-w-wandering i-if you wanted t-to go see a m-movie tomorrow night with me?"

Starlight blushed a bright pink and thought for a moment,

Starlight:*blush* "Um, y-yeah. That would be fun."

Silver:*smile* "How about 8 O'clock?"

Starlight:*smile* "8'oclocks fine. We should get to bed now. We have school in the morning."

Silver: "Agreed."

Silver and Starlight went to bed and rested up for school and their date tomorrow.

The next morning, everyone was walking to school, and Sonic was talking to Ace on the way.

Ace: "So you actually like the girl huh? And I thought you would never slow down for someone."

Sonic: "Well if you think about it I'm not really slowing down all that much."

Ace and Sonic shared a good laugh until they arrived at the school, where everyone but Twilight and Tails were waiting for them.

Sonic: "Hey where's Tails? It's not like him to be late to anything.

Suddenly a blue and white portal appeared and Tails and Twilight came out of it.

Manic: "Subtle entrance yo."

Tails: "Well it was either that, or be late, and I wasn't havin that."

The bell rang which meant school had started. Everyone walked inside and headed to their appropriate classes while Knuckles and Applejack stood in the hallway since they had free period.

Applejack: "So yesterday you told you guarded somthin called the Master Emerald? What exactly was that.

Knuckles: "The Master Emerald was one of eight powerful gems that grant the user unbelievable power. The Master Emerald was the controller of the other seven gems, the chaos emeralds.

Applejack: "What was it like gaurdin the Master Emerald?"

Knuckles: "I used to think it was easy until power hungry people and gods kept seeking it's power, luckily my friends were there to help me."

Applejack: "I guess you and your friends help each other out alot huh?"

Knuckles: "Yup. As Sonic always said, together we're stronger than anyone else on their own. We wrote a song about it, but scrapped it because it was too cheesy."

Applejack: "Oh it can't be that bad."

Knuckles: "Trust me, it's that bad."

*Bell ring*

Applejack: "Well, I better get to class, see you later Knuckie."

Knuckles:*blush* "Bye." (Did she just call me Knuckie)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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