"Arrival and Backstory"

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As the Mobians were descending towards the surface the blue typhoon began to malfunction.

Speaker: "Warning, main engine malfunction. Energy levels fluctuating.

Knuckles: "Uh Tails, what does that mean?"

Tails: "It's just as I feared. When we crossed universes we broke the dimensional barrier, which caused the ship's systems to go unstable. We need to get out now."

Vanilla: "But how are we supposed to all get to safety?"

Tails thought for a moment before coming to a risky decision.

Tails: "Me, Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Knuckles, Ace, Greenwave, and Aqua will jump down, I can breach the rest of you guys down to the surface."

Cream: "But why don't we all go Mr. Tails?"

Tails: "Because my powers are weakened from crossing the barrier."

Sonic: "Don't worry kid, we've got this!"

As Sonic said that Tails created a portal that down to the surface. Once they were all through the remaining eight went outside to the deck and prepared to jump.

Greenwave: "To a new home?"

All: "TO A NEW HOME!!"

As they said that they jumped off the deck and watched as the blue typhoon exploded.

Sonic: "Man have we seen a lot of exploding things lately."

Suddenly they crashed through a building on the surface of the Earth. And that building was none other than Canterlot High School.

[2 hours later]

Sonic:*Waking up* "Ugh, my head hurts. What happened? The last I remember was watching the blue typhoon explode and then-"

???: "Oh, your awake."

Sonic turned to see Rainbow Dash standing in the doorway smiling.

Sonic: "Who are you?"

Rainbow Dash:*Smile* "I'm Rainbow Dash. You must be Sonic right?"

Sonic:*Smile* "The one and only. But how did you know?"

Rainbow: "Your friend Ace told me and my friend Sunset Shimmer what's going on why your here."

As she said that a frown appeared on Sonic's face.

Sonic:*Frown* "Yeah, I still wish I could've saved those people."

Rainbow saw how he was upset so she sat down and put her hand his shoulder causing him to have a faint blush.

Rainbow: "Yeah I know, but tried your hardest and gave it your all. There's only so much someone can do.

Sonic*blush* "Yeah I guess your right. I shouldn't let that stop from enjoying life to fullest. Just as I always say.

Rainbow smiled seeing that she was able to cheer him up.

Sonic: "But what intrigues me is how your not creepped out about me being able to talk and coming from another universe.

Rainbow: "I've seen weirder. But Ace said that you have super speed, care to race sometime?

Sonic: Your saying you have super speed too? Awesome!

With that said the two walked out of the house and to somewhere they could race without consequence.

Meanwhile Ace and Sunset Shimmer were getting to know each other.

Ace: "So you really do regret what you did. It sounds kind of like my story.

Sunset: "What happend to you in the past?"

Ace: "Well you see, it starts from when I was a kid."

A young Ace is walking on a platform with his brother Greenwave and half brother Aqua.

Ace: I was walking on platform with my parents inside a particle accelarator. My dad was the owner and wanted to show it to us.

Ace's dad was about to say something when suddenly the liquids inside started to float.

Sunset:"Wait the liquid was floating?"

Ace: "Yep. It's a side affect of dark matter."

The liquid dropped back down as a red streak and a blue streak charged into the particle accelarator.

The two streaks began bashing into each other. Every so often the red one would get close to them, but the blue one would tackle it keeping it away.

Ace's dad: "RUN KIDS RUN!"

Ace: "I was freaking out and I didn't know what to do so I just followed my brothers.

While the kids were running the blue streak broke the platform causing them to fall into dangerous areas supposedly 'killing' them.

Sunset: "But If that happened how are you still here?"

Ace: "The incident didn't actually kill us, it just left us in a coma for 9 years. But the weirdest part is that we were still aging and growing while we trapped in there."

Suddenly tears began to fall down Ace's face.

Ace:*Crying* "When me and my brothers awoke we found our parents bodies laying on the groound, with stab wounds visible on their chests."

Sunset:*Gasp* "Oh my god, I didn't know. I'm sorry."

Ace: "It's fine, but thats only half the story."

Sunset: "So what happend after that?"

Ace: "I found a way to travel through time."

After the three children fell inside the chemicals the red streak made it's way over to their parents. Meanwhile, A fourteen year old Ace is hidding behind a control panel.

Ace: "I was about to save them when I was stopped...by Sonic.

Sunset:*Gasp* "By Sonic? What was he doing there?"

Ace: "That I don't know, but I think he was from the future."

As Ace got up to charge in, he stopped by Sonic, but his appearnce was different. His shoes had a gold stripe and buckle, the bottom of his shoes was also gold, he had gold rings on his wrists and ankles, and green sunglasses on his head. He was the future Sonic.

Future Sonic put his hand on Ace's chest to stop him, and simply shook his head no before opening the sewage pipes, witch is were the three brotheres would wake up in nine years.

Ace:*tearing up* "I watched as the red streak stapped my parents in the chest and thew their bodies in the sewage pipe.

Sunset:*gasp* "So it was Sonic's fault that your parents died?"

Ace: "Well, not entirly, because he hasn't travaled back in time to stop me, so i guess it's his fault in the future? Anyways, after the Future Sonic stopped me, I went back to the present and attemtpted to kill everyone he loves. Lucklily him and my brothers were able to stop me.

Sunset: "Oh wow, that sounds alot worse than what I did."

Sunset looked at Ace and saw he was about to cry so she pulled him into a warm hug wich caused him to blush madly.

Sunset: "Hey, it's ok. You've got friends now, and from what you told me earlier thier really good ones.

Ace smiled as they broke the hug, still lightly blushing.

Sunset decided to change the subject as she saw he was still sad.

Sunset: "So what do you think of high school?"

Sonic belongs to Sega

MLP EG belongs to Hasbro Studios

Ace, Greenwave, and Aqua belong to me

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