Coup de grace - Black Belt

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The explosion had send me straight into the ground, but I quickly recovered. I made my way to Dimitri, who had been thrown into the water by the shore away from the main building of Seaside Command Center (SCC). I began to drag him up along the shore, but within a few steps we were followed by the young black-haired girl, who had fought Dimitri before the explosion.

As she got within a few feet of us, something strange happened. Before I even knew it myself, I had dropped Dimitri, spun around towards her and slammed both of my feet into her chest. The force of the kick knocked her back several feet and she landed right in the middle of the burning debris. I felt stunned for a moment, trying to understand what just happened. I had not meant to do that, but yet it happened. It was as if my body acted on its own. 

I had no more time to dwell on it, as a grunt from Dimitri broke my train of thought. I quickly got him up standing again and we made our way along the shore towards SCC again. We needed to get away, but Dimitri could not go anyway. before I had attended to his wounds. That facility had medical equipment I needed, or rather Dimitri needed. It took far longer than I liked to get inside the building and just as we entered I began to hear shouting approaching from the north mixing in with the alarms blasting through the air. 

I bolted the door right away and continued to the end of the hall, where the main medical bay was located. Before we reached the medical bay, we came across a display case from the weaponry and I stopped for a moment. How many times had I not walked past here and admired one particular weapon? I let my desire take over and I smashed the display and grabbed the long sword in the dead center of the display. I deserved it, considering all the trouble currently happening around us. 

Dimitri was regaining his strength, so the walk became easier, but it was not enough for what we met in the medical bay. I had expected the building to be evacuated at this point, but seemed it was not entirely. Three doctors were working and taken by surprised when we burst in through the door. 

It was a clean long white room with big windows on either side and a big hole in the middle. On the wall opposite the door, the windows was overlooking the ground outside. Along the wall of the door there was windows looking into the hallway we had just come from. You could see down to the other end of the hallway and it was just as vacant. Throughout the room various equipment was planted and mostly humming with life. In between them there were working stations and desks filled with tubes, vlies and bottles containing various substances. Most of these were centered around the hole in the middle. It was a boiling station to make casts and, in emergencies, armor for wounded soldiers. It was usually used for full body treatments for burned victims during training. 

For a moment we all just starred at each other and then the moment was over. One of the doctor started to move away from us towards a big closet in the corner. I let go of Dimitri, who held fine on this own, and within a few strides I was holding the nearest doctor by the throat and my sword paused against her neck.

"I suggest that you both evacuate like you should have, unless you want to see this pretty head roll" I called over my shoulder without looking away from my target. I locked eye with her and knew I recognized her correctly when I entered the room. Her long blonde, almost platinum, hair, narrow face, slightly large ears and tall as a tower were something I would not forget for a while. 

I heard shuffling of feet and mumbling, but I did not let got before I heard the door slam shut and Dimitri called "All clear!"

She lightly coughed as I let go and relaxed somewhat in front of her. "I didn't think I would ever see you again" she said it with a grunt, but also surprise. 

"Believe me,  it wasn't intentional." I glanced quickly at Dimitri. He looked better than a few moments ago, but still not good "We need your help". I looked her dead in the eye "and it needs to be quick"

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