A shot in the dark - Brown Belt

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I must have woken with a scream, because within an instant of coming to I felt a hand over my mouth. My eyes found Dimitri's steel blue ones quickly and even without the hand I knew to keep quiet. I remember fainting from exhaustion on the boat, while we tried to escape the scouts from the institution. 

I must have been out for a while, because the sky above was now a bright blue verse the deep blue I remember before fainting. However, something else was amiss as well. The motor was not running; meaning we were literary just drifting on the water. Sitting ducks. 

I slowly got up to a sitting position and Dimitri let his hand fall to the floor beside him. As expected we were not in the middle of the ocean, but along a shore. Not far from the shore I looked upon the familiar sight of the Seaside Command Center (or SCC for short, as we would refer to it). It was a big black building on the mouth of a valley overlooking the coastline and ocean for training and testing purposes. I had hoped to never see that building or this area again.

The boat was out of sight from SCC; hiding below the diving cliff and along side the numerous piers that lead to the main building of the command center. The alarm had not been sounded as far as I could see. So we had not been spotted yet, but our escape had not been shared with everybody it seemed. I found that to be surprising. It was certainly not enough of a reason for us to be here.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Dimitri, but before I could get an answer, something caught both of our attention. A group of younger people were running along the coast and making up their rear was a young girl, who was lagging behind. One of the instructors leading the group had come up behind the girl and was now egging her on. 

The instructor was jabbing at her shoulders with a knife to make her run faster and declare defeat. We knew this method all too well. No matter how tired you were, they would always find ways to make you go the extra mile. Some times in the literal sense. Even with the constant jabbing, the girl and the instructor were still lagging further behind. As the rest of the group disappeared around a garage at the end of the pier we were hiding along side of, Dimitri jumped on to the pier and ran straight for them. 

I jumped right after him. He had a lead on me, but I caught up with him quickly. However, not before he could tackle the instructor to the ground. In spite of the confusion and her multiple  wounds on her back, the young girl remained standing and after a moment of recovery, she jumped on to Dimitri's back to try and get him off the instructor. She did not success, as I grabbed her around the shoulders and tossed her off and aside. 

She landed on her back and I could clearly see the pain on her face, but it did not keep her down. I saw a younger version of myself standing in front of me. I young naive girl, who did not think for herself. All that mattered to her was the facility, the establishment. Bridge Farm Institution must be defended at all cost, even if the means your life. I needed to put her down or knock her down fast, before we had more company. 

I knew how she would be thinking and what she would be looking for. First she would be scanning for my weak points and use that to strike me fast and hard. Fortunately, I could be very deceptive in that department. I pretended to take a few unsure steps and just as expected she went straight for my legs. She left her upper body completely open and I kicked her right in the chest making sure she landed on her back again. It took longer this time, but she got up again. 

We continued this a couple of more times, until I had her on the edge of the water. The struggle between Dimitri and the instructor was still going on, and just as the girl tried to get up again, a gun, presumably from the instructor landed right between us. She dove for it, before I could kick it away. A gun was a totally different ball game. I needed to get up close and disarm her now. It would be of no use to try and run or talk sense into her. She was in too deep already.

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